
Clare's Diary Week 6 ② / Tasty Time (味わいのある時間)


Today’s highlight was a wonderful cake from out of this world was presented to us for tea break at machimin. I don’t normally like cake but this was a fairy dust bubble that disappeared in your mouth like baby dragon smoke. WOW!

I continued with refining the blossom, concentrating on the branches and trunk making sure the thickness was consistent and didn’t jar the eye. The spring section still felt a little off kilter so I added the rain to see if a balance was gained. Still not quite there but it is coming. I painted the “Tako (Japanese kite)” detail and started prep for the workshop on Saturday.

Arisa came with frames and her work which we put up in machimin, she finished her tulip section and we talked about how soon the project will be over. It will be finished in a flash, I must savour these last few weeks before I go. I will be sad to leave; I am enjoying settling into the routine but nothing lasts forever. All is transient. Live in the moment.

The day was finished off with a wonderful meal and invite to …. Oden, Sake, unique architecture and friendly faces chatting around the hot pot. What a treat.

今日のハイライトはおやつにmachiminでいただいた、信じられないほど美味しいケーキ! 私は普段ケーキをあまり食べないけれど、このケーキは口に入れた瞬間、妖精の魔法の粉か赤ちゃんドラゴンの吹く火の煙みたいにあっという間になくなっちゃった! ウァオ!



今日の締めくくりを飾ったのは、素敵な素敵な夕食のお誘いでした! おでん、日本酒、ユニークな建築。優しい笑顔のご家族とお鍋を囲み、本当に最高のひと時でした。