
How to start Blockchain game [My Crypto Saga]

My name is Ryorian and I am doing trial and error every day to build a CS Standard in the Web3.0. (I am a member of double jump.tokyo Co, Ltd.)
I would like to contribute for the industry by offering easy to understand description for getting a NFT and playing BCG.

This time, I explain "How to start Blockchain game [My Crypto Saga]!!


One of the wallets which can manages cryptocurrencies (virtual currency and NFT).
There are a lot of Wallet apps and services other than MetaMask.

Wallet can manages cryptocurrencies (virtual currency and NFT).

■ETH Address:
ETH address can be used for receiving and sending cryptocurrencies (virtual currency and NFT).
You may be easy to understand to imagine Email addresses can be used for receiving and sending images.
ETH addresse can also be imported into different wallets and used it, Like a Email address can be used by other apps and tools.

Playing game on your PC

1.Go to official page

2.log in MetaMask beforehand

※When you do not have any wallet, Please check the bellow for Installing MetaMask wallet.

Select upper right icon and select MetaMask, then enter password, click [unlock].

3.Click [Play Game]

4.Click [Sign] after Launching MetaMask

5.Fill in all information and Click [Sing up]

★Congratulations!! finally, you get your game account!!

Playing game on your smartphone

1.Go to the official page

2.Tap [Play Game]

3.Download APP from App Store or Google play

4. Launch the App, Tap [Start]

5.Setting a password for your App and tap [Set]

6.Fill in password and tap [Get Backup]

7.Do Backup

・Back up by pasting to a memo or so on.
Be carefule to leak your back up phrase(Keystore) to others.
Be carefule to lost your back up phrase(Keystore).
When you lost your back up phrase(Keystore), it will be difficlut to withdraw your asset.
※you can get back up phrase(Keystore), in the [Wallet] even after starting game.

8.Tap [Play Game]

9.Fill in all information and Click [Sing up]

★Congratulations!! finally, you get your game account!!
