Like like like...


1. Do you like Jon? ( Uses like as a verb )
2. What's Jon like? ( asks about him health ) 
3. How's Jon? ( means Tell me about him in general )
4. What does Jon look like? ( asks for a physical description)

1. あなたはジョンのことが好きですか? ( like = verb)
2. ジョンは何が好きですか? ( like = adj ) 
3. 3.ジョンはどうですか。
4. ジョンはどんな人ですか? ( like = adj )


・What's your teacher like? - he's great! he helps us a lot.
・What sports do you like? - I like tennis and skiing.
・What does your brother look like? - He's got blond hair and blue eyes.
・Do you like pizza? - Yes, I do. I love it!
・What's the weather like today? - Lovely! Warm and sunny.
・How are your parents? - They're OK! Busy as usual.
