

What’s Mt.Fuji? l 富士山ってなに?

Mt.Fuji, or “Fuji-san” in Japanese, is an active volcano which extends over Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefecture.
The elevation is 3776.63m(1238.8ft), which is the highest independent mountain in Japan. Not only that, it is also famous for it’s graceful appearance and is widely known as a symbol of Japan.


ROOTS of Fuji-san. l 富士山のルーツ

There are various opinions about the roots of Fuji-san, such as “Fuji” meant “slope of a long mountain” in ancient Japanese language, but the one I like is the root from the Taketori-monogatari.

Taketori-monogatari is one of the most popular folktales in Japan. The princess of the moon named Kaguya-hime(Kaguya princess) was found in the bamboo by the old man. The old man and his wife raised the princess as their child. She grew up as a beautiful woman within 3months. The prince heard the rumor about her and wrote a letter to her. They exchanged letters for 3years and the prince loved her, but one day she cried that she had to go back to the moon. She gave the prince “the potion of immortality”(Fuji no kusuri) and left to the moon. The prince was overwhelmed with grief, and thought there’s no meaning of living forever without Kaguya-hime, so he threw the potion into a burning mountain which was said to be the closest place from the moon. This is the reason why this mountain was named Fuji-san.



Other trivia l 雑学いろいろ

・Mt.Fuji used to be 3778m according to the official record in 1885. It is said that it got 2meters lower because of the earthquake occured in 1923.


・Anyone can have a wedding at the top of Mt.Fuji if you apply 3months in advance and pay 100thousand yen.


・The very first woman who climbled Mt.Fuji had a chonmage(a hair style only for men in Edo period; topknot) and pretended that she was a man because women were not allowed to climb Mt.Fuji at that time.


・Mt.Fuji was the very first mountain in Japan which a man skied. A man from Austria skied from the 8th line of Mt.Fuji.


new vocabularies l 覚えた単語

・active volcano : 活火山
・elevation : 標高
 ※altitude : 高度 (飛行機の高さなど)
  height : 身長
  above sea level : 海抜
・graceful appearance : 優美な風貌
・the potion of immortality : 不死の薬
 ※immortal : 不死身
・overwhelmed with grief : 悲しみに打ちひしがれる
 ※overwhelmed : 打ちのめされる
・apply 3months in advance : 3ヶ月前に予約する
