“Candlelight” Yoshiyuki Yatsuhashi Plays Rickenbacker Model 360/12C63 6 八橋義幸 2022年2月18日 22:14 The full moon I saw from the rooftop of a building in Shibuya last night was magnificent. It was glowing as if to let us know that everything in this world is an illusion. “Candlelight” is a precious Y&M song. I played it on a red 12-string Rickenbacker.昨夜渋谷のビルの屋上から見た満月は美しかった。まるでこの世は全て幻なのだと知らせているかのように輝いていた。Y&Mの大切な曲「Candlelight」。赤いリッケンバッカーの12弦で弾いた。CandlelightYour sweet gentle faceI picture in the candlelightIt was such a beautiful nightYour charming singing voiceI hear in my empty heartIt was such a very merry timeYou always asked why the sky is so blueYou always asked why this star was chosenI said nothing but tried to think with youThen suddenly, you’d gone awayYour cute angelic smileI remember in the holy nightIt was such a silent night, a silent night #音楽 #ギター #弾き語り 6 よろしければサポートお願いします。頂いたお金はビール代に使わせていただきます! サポート