Essay-2 Should developed nations encourage immigration from other countries?

In the current globalized society, the discussion of whether or not immigrants should be accepted has become more active than a few decades ago. Some people say that increasing the number of foreign residents causes a high crime rate and deprives jobs in the local community. However, it is my personal stance that developed countries should accept immigrants. 

One beneficial factor in welcoming immigrants is that the labor market will more competitive by increasing the labor and their skills. As I mentioned in the introduction part, the trend has a demerit in that some of the local's job will be replaced by them, but a more competitive market boost motivation for getting new skills to survive and their salary because the company needs to seek a more adept workforce.

Another reason to support my viewpoint is that new or additional cooperation between sending and receiving countries will begin. For example, everyone recognizes that there are so many Chinese communities all over the world even though some of the areas have diplomatic problems with them. Obviously, they need their home countries' stuff like food, traditional clothes, and furniture so it contributes to the increase of imports and leads to the first step of trading business.

Finally, immigrants will bring us diversity in our community that we can't experience in a monocultural society. Coexisting with people who have different cultures, and languages is not easy and sometimes miscommunications or undesirable incidents may happen frequently. However, during the process that developed nations and their citizens accept them in terms of the social system, daily life, and their personality, they can learn how difficult minority people are to live in society as a minority and be able to empathize with everyone who has a different background that is not only nationality, ethics, and religion but also gender, age, disability.

In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, I firmly my stance that developed nations should encourage more immigration.
It is the ultimate challenge for a human to build a society where everyone understands and respects their background each other so everyone can live their life as who they are.

(353 words)
