Essay-3 Are economic sanctions useful foreign policy tool?

The debate on whether or not to use of economic sanctions is effective as a foreign policy tool has been a matter of great controversy for a long time. Although some of the industry or individual is affected by the restriction on importing and exporting items and some people say that such strict economical sanctions are inefficient to redress the opponent's behavior in terms of trading, I believe that economic sanctions are essential for defending own country from threats.

One major reason to support my idea is that every country can share its attitude all over the world without military power. Given the current situation of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, Installing weapons, and providing an army is also give pressure to target countries, however, Japan which doesn't have an army, can't align the degree of contribution.

Additionally, economic sanctions will never harm any person directly and its citizen can realize how other countries think of their country readily. For instance, in North Korea it is prohibited to reach external information like that is what North Korea is currently doing, how the other countries are thinking of them, so the citizen will never realize their situation. On the other hand, economic restrictions make their daily life direct impact, like shortage of food, and price rising of items, and they will notice their and their country's situation and perhaps it leads to a reduction of the morale of warfare.

Another cogent reason is that continuing economic relationship helps their malevolent activity like war, creating new weapons indirectly. In the current globalization society, international trading is an essential activity for the world economy and our daily life, therefore, someone insist that such an economic sanction leads to a shortage of goods and rising its price. However, continuous collaborations also mean that the country could obtain not only money but also ingredients for weapons. Moreover, such indirect help will occur a sense of distrust among other countries that do not support the opponents so to avoid an undesirable fight, economic sanctions are an effective way.

Overall, economic sanctions also have some negative effects on countries that impose, however, we can't help doing it to protect countries and for peace. In conclusion, for the three above-mentioned three reasons, I agree with using economic sanctions as diplomatic policy tools.(383 words)


As I had opposite ideas from Togemaru-san, I was eager to write this topic when I read it, but I didn't satisfy what I wrote and felt difficulty expressing my opinion logically in English. My improvement points are (1)the variety of connecting sentences and (2)Rudimentary grammar mistakes. I often use Grammarly to find my mistake and maybe I need to upgrade premium one in the future.
