

ボブ・ジョーンズ100年預言 翻訳


1950年代、「神の(癒しの)力」が明らかになりました。ウィリアム・ブランハム、A. アレン、オーラル・ロバーツ、ジャック・コールらが起りました。


Yedı̂ydeyâh [ ידידיה ] Appiah6 months ago


Years ago, The Lord gave me a 100-year prophecy.
The 1950’s would reveal the Power of God; William Branham, A. Allen, Oral Roberts, Jack Cole, etc.
The 1960’s revealed the Spirit of God. That is when the baptism of the Holy Spirit began to come into denominations.
The 1970’s was the Word of God. That is when really inspired-teachers began to rise up and show us a new understanding already of the written word.
The 1980’s began to reveal the Prophets of God; people that get the inspired word.
In the 1990’s, we began to get a revelation of the Government of God.
The 2000’s will be the Glory of God. So a lot of these gold plates, gold teeth and everything is beginning to—just on the verge of—revealing the glory of God.
The 2010’s would reveal the Faith of God. It’s not have faith “in” God, it is, have the faith “of” God. And so I think we are coming up to the key point of where we see the Holy Spirit of God moving so much that we will believe it, and where our faith is in God and when He speaks in us, we will proclaim His word and it will have the Faith of God in it.
The 2020’s will reveal the Rest of God. To where the body will come into a place of resting in God, where God will rest in us. And in this rest, the enemy will not be able to do warfare because we are resting in God and He is resting in us, and He will accomplish the things He means to do in a people that is at rest. He has always wanted a people that will come into His rest. There never has been one but rest is on the way.
The 2030’s will reveal the Family of God. There will be such a Unity that if you pick on one, you pick on all. And intercession where If you are picking on one, intercessors immediately allover will come right in. it’s a family.
The 2040’s will reveal the coming forth of the Kingdom of God. Kingdom authority, kingdom sons; sons of the kingdom.
The 2050’s will reveal the Sons of God. They will grow into a place where they will have a *** and a likeness of the Son of God.
I saw up to the 2060’s. and the church here was not beat down. It was walking in the Glory of God. It had the Power of God on it. It had the power over death. It had the power over the weather. It had the power over everything. And we are in a time of growing when—I don’t know what season it comes in there but there will come a season in there, I believe those last 30 years—death will have no power over those that are the Sons of God. There is a generation that will not know death and I believe these youths are getting ready. And these youths that are being prepared now and those that as yet are not saved, they will not be afraid of death because they will go everywhere in the world and take it. You won’t be able to stop them. And we know that in the last days, for some of these, that if you take their lives, they have the power to raise it up again. I was seeing that kind of resurrection power in the church in the last days. I don’t know when it will begin but I rather felt that it will begin in this 2030’s.



イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き

【なぜ、ライジング・デスティニー(シャイニング・デスティニー)を始めたのか(過去20年間の日本宣教史年表付) 】
【The Reason We started Rising Destiny (Shining Destiny): The History of Japanese Mission in the Past 20 Years】

