U.S. President-elect Joe Biden hailed the launch on Twitter as a “testament to the power of science and what we can accomplish by harnessing our innovation, ingenuity, and determination,” while President Donald Trump called it “great.”

Hello! So let's read today's one sentence!

Today's sentence is from Japan Times, which talked about the space exploration. 

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden hailed the launch on Twitter as a “testament to the power of science and what we can accomplish by harnessing our innovation, ingenuity, and determination,” while President Donald Trump called it “great.”

CNNとかではなくジャパン・タイムスなのに、こんなにはっきりどっちサイドかをにおわせるようなこと書くんだ…!!とにわかな私は驚いてしまった。political fairnessっていうか、そういうものは各社で違うんでしょうけれども。そういうのも調べてみて、記事にまとめておきたいなー。閑話休題。




U.S. President-elect Joe Biden / hailed the launch / on Twitter / as a “testament / to the power / of science / and what we can accomplish / by harnessing our innovation, ingenuity, and determination,”/ while President Donald Trump / called it “great.”


U.S. President-elect Joe Biden / 米大統領に選ばれたジョー・バイデンは

hailed the launch / その打ち上げに敬意を表した

on Twitter / ツイッターで

as a “testament / 「確たる証である」として

to the power of science /「科学の力 

and (what we can accomplish / それから、我々が到達しうるものの(証拠)

☆(what SV~)で(SV~なもの)という名詞のかたまりになっています。

by harnessing our innovation, ingenuity, and determination),”/われらのイノベーションと創意工夫、そして決断を推進力にすることで(到達しうるもの)

while President Donald Trump / ドナルド・トランプ大統領が

called it “great.” 「すばらしい」とだけ言ったのに対して。



U.S. President-elect Joe Biden / hailed the launch / on Twitter / as a “testament / to the power / of science / and what we can accomplish / by harnessing our innovation, ingenuity, and determination,”/ while President Donald Trump / called it “great.”

Did you have fun? すっきりわかると楽しいね!

Okay, see you tomorrow!
