英検1級2次対策 Agree or Disagree : The age of retirement should be decided by a law.

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5. Agree or Disagree : The age of retirement should be decided by a law.


今回は"5. Agree or Disagree : The age of retirement should be decided by a law."を選択しました。理由は一番理由が思いつきやすかったからです。

Topic: Agree or Disagree : The age of retirement should be decided by a law.
I disagree with the idea that the age of retirement should be decided by law.

First, if the retirement age is mandated by law, elderly people may feel discriminated against by society. For example, in Japan, people are often required to retire at 60 years old. Many of these elderly individuals possess valuable skills and experience, even beyond the age of 60. Therefore, the age of retirement should not be dictated by law.

Secondly, Japan is facing the challenge of an aging society, characterized by low birth rates and an increasing number of elderly people. If the retirement age is legally enforced, young people will be burdened with longer working hours to support the older population. The government would struggle to sustain society without imposing these extended hours on the younger workforce.

Q and A:

●What is the biggest asset of elderly people in the workplace?

Elderly people have extensive experience in the field and know how to work efficiently and productively with the younger generation. Their years of hands-on experience and knowledge enable them to provide valuable insights and mentorship to younger colleagues. It is important for the younger generation to learn from elderly workers because they can offer guidance on best practices, share lessons learned from past challenges, and help develop problem-solving skills.

  • What are the risks of letting them work beyond the retirement age?

From a psychological perspective, it becomes increasingly difficult for elderly people to work for 7-8 hours a day, as is the minimum in Japan. As they age, physical conditions such as decreased stamina, chronic illnesses, and slower recovery times can hinder their ability to perform effectively at work. This not only affects their productivity but also poses a risk to their overall well-being.

●How can society support both young and old workers in a fair and balanced way?

The government should be more lenient towards immigrants because it is not easy to solve the issues of low birth rates and an increasing number of elderly people. To address this problem, adopting more immigrants from abroad is an efficient way to achieve a work-life balance for both younger and elderly workers. Many immigrants are skilled workers, and their inclusion in the workforce can help alleviate the burden of work. By becoming more diverse, Japan can better manage its workload and reduce the strain on both younger and older generations
