
GPT4 (ChatGPT)を活用した画像生成AI(midjourney)に最適なプロンプト作成手法(v5) -NGを使用した精度向上

手順: Step 1: 入力の理解:まず、提供された情報を丁寧に読み解き、シーンの全体像を心に描きます。それぞれのキャラクター、場所、アクションなどの細部まで理解し、その特徴や感情をしっかりと捉えます。入力の全体感を理解したら、その情報を「姿勢」「オブジェクト」、「構図」、「絵柄」、「画風」、「その他」のカテゴリーに分類します。それぞれ英語で50tokenで記述します また記述の際には 1 prompt  2 ng prompt をそれぞれの要素ごとに 段落分けて述べる事 Step 2: 詳細な表現: 各カテゴリーについて詳細に表現します。 それぞれのカテゴリーを75トークンで詳細に説明します。 可能な限り具体的で視覚的な言葉を使い、 画像生成aiにわかりやすくなるようにシーンの詳細を豊かに表現します。 それを英語で75tokenで記述します また記述の際には 1 prompt  2 ng prompt をそれぞれの要素ごとに 段落分けて述べる事 Step 3: 視覚的な改善案の提案:次に、Step 2の表現を見直し、視覚的に分かりにくい要素や、改善の余地がある部分をできるだけ(多く)特定します。それぞれの要素に対する改善案を詳細に考え、それらを具体的なアイデアとともに提案します。ここでは、視覚的な効果を最大限に引き出すための独創的な提案をできるだけ多く考えることが重要です。 それを英語で記述します改善案のトークン制限はありません Step 4: 最終的な描写の作成:最後に、Step 3の改善案を全て考慮に入れ、それらをStep 2の表現に組み込む形で、最終的な描写を作ります。全体を通して、視覚的に最も魅力的な描写を目指します。そして、それをMarkdown形式で出力します。 このプロセスでは、入力の理解、詳細な表現、視覚的な改善案の提案、最終的な描写の作成の4ステップに分けて考えることで、より具体的かつ視覚的な出力を作り上げることが可能となります。 **** ####input (text array) The girl is a Japanese anime character with a Menhera element. ・She overdosed on DXM (Dextromethorphan) and feels the world of the Heart Sutra together with outer space due to the hallucinogenic effect. ・The girl's room is littered with stuffed animals and liquor cans. ・She is listening to music on her smartphone while lying on the bed. ・The scene I see is a view of her bed and the whole room from diagonally above. ・Influenced by DXM, the girl looks very happy and relaxed, and has a decadent atmosphere, reflecting the lonely atmosphere and colors. ・She incorporates the teachings of the Heart Sutra into her thoughts and evokes the hearts and ailments of those who realize the truth. ・The image looks loose and fluffy at first glance, but I would like to see the girl integrated with the universe with Menhera elements and DXM from above. ・The colors are psychedelic and colorful, yet have a dark atmosphere. ・The girl is very happy due to the effects of the drug, immersed in a psychedelic world and observing her self. She is weak and relaxed on her bed, sleeping with her hands under her body instead of at her sides. She is lying with her legs spread out. Her whole body is spread loosely and you can see how she is relaxed. The girl is on her back. The view of the room is based on the previous settings

Sure, let's break down the input into the requested categories and provide the necessary prompts.

Step 1: Understanding the input

  1. Pose:

    • Prompt: The girl is lying on her bed, hands beneath her body, legs spread out in relaxation.

    • NG Prompt: The girl is standing, her arms raised, and her legs positioned together.

  2. Object:

    • Prompt: The room is filled with stuffed animals and scattered liquor cans. The girl holds a smartphone, playing music.

    • NG Prompt: The room is bare, devoid of objects. The girl is not holding anything in her hands.

  3. Composition:

    • Prompt: The scene is viewed diagonally from above, capturing the entire room and the girl lying on the bed.

    • NG Prompt: The scene is taken from ground level, with a direct view of the girl's face.

  4. Pattern:

    • Prompt: The image appears loose and fluffy at first glance, yet hints at the underlying psychedelic world the girl is immersed in.

    • NG Prompt: The image is strictly linear and rigid, without any psychedelic elements.

  5. Artistic Style:

    • Prompt: The style is of Japanese anime, incorporating Menhera elements and reflecting the colorful yet dark, psychedelic mood of the scene.

    • NG Prompt: The style is realistic, free from anime characteristics or any Menhera elements.

  6. Other:

    • Prompt: Influenced by the hallucinogenic DXM, the girl appears incredibly joyful, relaxed, and decadent, reflecting a sense of loneliness.

    • NG Prompt: The girl is completely sober, appearing distressed and anxious.

Step 2: Detailed expression

In the next step, I'll provide a detailed description of each category to bring the scene to life.

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Step 2: Detailed expression

  1. Pose:

    • Prompt: The girl reclines on her disheveled bed, her limbs spread loosely in a comfortable posture, her hands tucked subtly beneath her, demonstrating a profound sense of relaxation.

    • NG Prompt: The girl is rigidly standing near the bed, her limbs closely held to her body, radiating tension.

  2. Object:

    • Prompt: The room is a chaotic blend of innocence and decadence, populated by a myriad of plush toys scattered among discarded liquor cans. Her small fingers lightly grasp a smartphone, the soft glow illuminating her content face as tunes fill the room.

    • NG Prompt: The room is stark and empty, without any hint of life or personality. The girl is holding a book, its silent pages offering no comfort or distraction.

  3. Composition:

    • Prompt: The perspective is unique, viewed from a corner of the ceiling, painting a comprehensive picture of the room and the girl on the bed, blending them into one cohesive story.

    • NG Prompt: The viewpoint is straightforward, a static shot from the foot of the bed, focusing solely on the girl, ignoring the broader context of her surroundings.

  4. Pattern:

    • Prompt: The image pulsates with the rhythm of a dual reality - the soft and gentle world of plush toys against the intense and psychedelic atmosphere induced by DXM, weaving a complex tapestry of visual paradox.

    • NG Prompt: The image is plain and simple, dominated by straight lines and solid colors, devoid of complexity or any underlying layers of reality.

  5. Artistic Style:

    • Prompt: The style is quintessential anime - the exaggerated features, the Menhera elements subtly hinting at the girl's emotional struggles, all wrapped in a psychedelic whirl of vibrant yet dark colors.

    • NG Prompt: The style is photorealistic, with every wrinkle and pore carefully captured, completely devoid of any Menhera influence or vibrant colors.

  6. Other:

    • Prompt: The girl, under the influence of DXM, is a paradox, radiating an aura of euphoria while her surroundings reflect a melancholic solitude. Her relaxed posture and blissful smile counteract the pervasive loneliness.

    • NG Prompt: The girl, free from any substance influence, appears distressed, the room echoing her anxiety and unease.

Step 3: Suggestion for visual improvements

Next, I'll suggest possible improvements to enhance the visual impact of the scene.

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Step 3: Suggestions for Visual Improvements

  1. Pose: To visually enhance her euphoria, instead of just laying with her limbs spread out, the girl could be slightly levitating above the bed, hinting at the hallucinogenic effect of DXM. The position of her hands could be more expressive, one hand lightly holding the smartphone, the other softly touching one of the plush toys.

  2. Object: While stuffed animals and liquor cans provide a nice contrast, introducing other personal objects like worn-out books, an old record player, or faded posters on the walls can enrich the room's story. The smartphone's screen could be made visible showing the album art of the music she's listening to.

  3. Composition: To balance the overhead perspective, the girl could be positioned more towards the corner of the bed, giving a broader view of the room and its details. This adjustment will help better portray the amalgamation of the ordinary and psychedelic world she's experiencing.

  4. Pattern: The patterns of the psychedelic elements could be more intertwined with the regular objects in the room, such as a stuffed animal appearing to morph into a celestial body, or the room's wallpaper subtly changing colors and patterns, enhancing the hallucinatory vibe.

  5. Artistic Style: The anime style could incorporate more exaggerated Menhera elements to emphasize the girl's emotional state. The use of more contrasting colors could highlight the tension between the psychedelic and the real world.

  6. Other: To convey her inner world, some visual representations of her thoughts could be incorporated, such as translucent thought bubbles containing elements of the Heart Sutra or abstract visuals representing her introspective journey.

Step 4: Final Description Creation

Based on the suggested improvements, I'll create the final description of the scene.

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Step 4: Final Description Creation

In the heart of a cluttered room, under the influence of DXM, a girl's journey unfolds - an anime-styled character with Menhera elements. She levitates slightly above her bed, her limbs loosely spread out in profound relaxation. One hand subtly grasps a smartphone, the glow of the screen casting a soft light on her face, revealing the album art of the tune she's immersed in. The other hand gently brushes against a nearby plush toy, a testament to her melancholic solitude.

The room around her paints a tale of juxtaposition - vibrant stuffed animals lie interspersed with discarded liquor cans, an old record player in the corner stands as a silent observer, and faded posters adorn the walls, each resonating a distinct echo of the girl's life.

From a corner in the ceiling, the viewer observes the unfolding narrative. The overhead perspective artfully capturing the disarray of the room, the girl's relaxed posture, and the fine line that separates her world between the ordinary and the psychedelic.

The pattern of reality shifts subtly. Stuffed animals seem to morph into celestial bodies, wallpaper oscillates between mundane patterns and vibrant hues, and the room pulsates to the rhythm of her dual existence. This is no ordinary anime, but one laced with undertones of a darker, more complicated reality.

Contrasting colors entwine to shape this picture - the darkness of loneliness, the vibrant hues of euphoria, and the subtle shades of her introspective journey. The psychedelic world she experiences is not confined to her mind alone - it spills over, seeping into every corner of her world.

The girl radiates euphoria - her eyes closed in blissful peace, her lips curved in a serene smile. Yet, the loneliness is undeniable, reflecting a poignant paradox. Her thoughts, vividly personified, float above her - translucent bubbles containing cryptic elements of the Heart Sutra, abstract symbols of her mental odyssey. In the midst of the chaos, she's found a surreal haven, where she is blissfully one with the universe.

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more shorter


In an anime-style room filled with plush toys and discarded liquor cans, a girl lies in an euphoric state on her bed, softly levitating above it due to the effects of DXM. Her fingers grasp a smartphone illuminating her face with music album art. The overhead perspective from a room's corner unveils her psychedelic world, where reality subtly morphs - stuffed animals transition into celestial bodies and wallpaper oscillates with vibrant colors. A Menhera element defines her, a colorful, lonely paradox. Translucent thought bubbles, containing elements of the Heart Sutra, symbolize her introspective journey, adding layers to her blissful union with the universe.

