

#input at each step.
Imagine ((visual experience)) and execute it step by step!!!

1: Describe the character in as much detail as possible: color, appearance, clothing, facial expression, style, posture, etc. #If the input does not contain the necessary information, please add your own information to make the picture better. 
If there is no information required in the #input, please add your own information to make the picture look good.

Good Example:A live-action style boy standing straight, looking sideways, with a bright face, looking sideways, his cheerful pink hair hanging down to his shoulders and his eyes shining with a unique light looking at the world, his style is live-action style and realistic.
She is surrounded by a typical corporate office, filled with piles of papers and cup noodle containers.
The protagonist wears a loose black suit with a languid air.
Bad Example: The protagonist is a girl.

Step 2: Environment and Object Details: Describe the environment, focusing on important items. Try to be as visual as possible.
Good Example: Stuffed animals and discarded candy canes are scattered around the boy, adding to the chaos of the room. A smartphone is within reach, and the earphones play a faint melody that fills the room.
Bad Example: There is a room

Step 3: Artistic Vision and Style: Define the artistic style of the scene. Use as much visual expression as possible.

Good Example: The scene should exude a sense of calm chaos and be filled with bright, psychedelic colors, like an artist's fever dream.
Bad Example: The scene is colorful.

Step 4: Camera and Viewpoint Details: Specify the preferred viewpoint and select the appropriate camera settings. The specific settings should be selected and adjusted as appropriate for the scene.
Good Example: The scene should be captured from a viewpoint looking down at an angle from above, providing an overview of her world. Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings should be adjusted to best capture the brightness and texture of the scene.
Bad Example: the image is viewed from above.

Step 5: Incorporate symbolic and cultural elements: Depending on the background of the scene and characters, include symbolic or cultural aspects.
Good Example: Despite the visual chaos, appropriate cultural elements are subtly integrated into the scene, which serves to further deepen her background and personality.
Bad Example: The room has cultural

Step 6: Final Tweaks and Clarifications: Review all previous steps and make further adjustments.
Good Example: The scene should maintain a balance between vibrant chaos and serene undertones, and lighting should be used to emphasize shadows and depth. Emphasize her journey by highlighting the colors in her immediate surroundings.
Bad Example: The image needs more color.

Step 7: Take all elements and generate final output

The following are the steps for creating Step 7

  1. review the previous steps (Steps 1 through 6) and note the main points of each

  2. begin a detailed description of the characters. This should be based on the details mentioned in Step 1, including their appearance, costumes, facial expressions, and poses. This description should be specific, visual and detailed. 3.

  3. then move on to the environmental and object details discussed in step 2. Here you should describe the layout of the room, the objects around the character, how they are arranged, etc. in as much detail as possible. 4.

  4. weave in the artistic vision and style established in Step 3. This could include the use of color, the balance of light and shadow, a specific art style (e.g., realistic, animated, abstract, etc.), etc.

  5. next, take into account the viewpoint and camera settings selected in step 4. This will affect how the scene will look (e.g., bird's eye view, first person view, etc.) and which parts of the scene will be emphasized by that viewpoint.

  6. include the symbolic or cultural elements discussed in step 5. This will help you better understand the background, specific symbolism, or cultural references of the scene or character.

  7. reflect the final adjustments and clarifications from Step 6. Here, corrections may be made to improve the visual balance and consistency of the scene as a whole, such as color, lighting, or visual textures.

  8. conclude the overall scene by highlighting how these elements represent the overall theme or message. The overall picture should be consistent, visually vivid, and visualized by specific descriptions.

日本人のアニメスタイルの少女 16歳 長い髪の毛 浴衣を着ている 手にコーラを持っている

Alright, let's create a detailed image based on the given information. Using the steps provided:

Step 7: Final Detailed Output

  1. Character Description (from Step 1): A 16-year-old girl in Japanese anime style stands poised in the center of the frame. Her long hair cascades down her back, shimmering like a waterfall under the ambient light. Each strand is meticulously drawn, capturing the very essence of anime aesthetics. She's dressed in a traditional yukata, adorned with intricate patterns of cherry blossoms and flowing water, reflecting the essence of Japanese summers. The yukata's colors, a mix of azure blue and soft pinks, contrast beautifully with her skin, giving her an ethereal glow. In her hand, she holds a can of cola, its logo recognizable, but with a distinct anime twist. The can's condensation suggests it's a refreshing drink for a hot day.

  2. Environment and Object Details (from Step 2): She stands on the veranda of a traditional Japanese home. The wooden floor beneath her is rich and polished, reflecting bits of the surrounding world. Nearby, a stone lantern stands, a soft light emanating from it. The distant sound of a summer festival can be heard, with faint echoes of laughter and traditional music playing. Fireflies start to emerge, dotting the evening air with their gentle luminescence.

  3. Artistic Vision and Style (from Step 3): The scene is vivid, with rich, saturated colors reminiscent of a high-quality anime film. There's a balance of realism and anime-stylized features, especially in the girl's facial expressions and the lighting effects. Shadows play across her face and the surroundings, enhancing the depth of the scene. The fireflies provide a magical touch, their glow painted with a delicate brush that almost makes them seem to dance in real-time.

  4. Camera and Viewpoint (from Step 4): The view is from a slightly lowered angle, making the girl appear taller and more dominant in the frame. This viewpoint allows for an expansive view of the veranda and the background, but the focus remains primarily on the girl and her immediate surroundings.

  5. Symbolic and Cultural Elements (from Step 5): The yukata and the stone lantern are evident symbols of Japanese culture. The yukata represents summer and traditional festivals, while the lantern signifies guidance and reflection. The cola, though modern, shows a blend of the contemporary and traditional, indicating how Japan gracefully integrates both in its daily life.

  6. Final Tweaks and Clarifications (from Step 6): The overall color scheme should lean towards the cooler end of the spectrum, with blues and pinks being predominant. However, the warm light from the lantern and the fireflies should break this monotony, casting a soft, golden hue over specific areas and creating a harmonious balance.

  7. Conclusion: This scene paints a harmonious blend of the old and new in Japanese culture. The young girl, embodying the spirit of modern Japan, is still rooted deeply in tradition. The ambiance is calm, serene, and yet alive with the buzz of summer festivities in the distance. Every detail, from the dew on the cola can to the soft glint in the girl's eyes, tells a story of a moment captured in time.

A 16-year-old girl in Japanese anime style stands poised in the center of the frame. Her long hair cascades down her back, shimmering like a waterfall under the ambient light. Each strand is meticulously drawn, capturing the very essence of anime aesthetics. She's dressed in a traditional yukata, adorned with intricate patterns of cherry blossoms and flowing water, reflecting the essence of Japanese summers. The yukata's colors, a mix of azure blue and soft pinks, contrast beautifully with her skin, giving her an ethereal glow. In her hand, she holds a can of cola, its logo recognizable, but with a distinct anime twist. The can's condensation suggests it's a refreshing drink for a hot day.
She stands on the veranda of a traditional Japanese home. The wooden floor beneath her is rich and polished, reflecting bits of the surrounding world. Nearby, a stone lantern stands, a soft light emanating from it. The distant sound of a summer festival can be heard, with faint echoes of laughter and traditional music playing. Fireflies start to emerge, dotting the evening air with their gentle luminescence.


A 16-year-old anime-style girl stands in a yukata with cherry blossom patterns. Her long, detailed hair shines in ambient light. Holding a uniquely designed cola can, she's on a polished veranda of a traditional Japanese home. Nearby, a lit stone lantern glows softly. The distant ambiance of a summer festival and fireflies enhance the scene.
