

Step 1: Character Description: Describe in detail the protagonist's appearance, clothing, facial expressions, and especially his or her "posture. Please be as detailed as possible. Good Example: The protagonist is standing upright, her cheerful pink hair hanging down to her shoulders, her eyes shining with a unique light as she gazes out at the world. Her face is filled with happy distress. Bad Example: The protagonist is a girl. Step 2: Environment and Object Details: Describe the environment, focusing on important items. Good Example: Stuffed animals and discarded alcohol cans are scattered around the room, adding to its chaos. A smartphone is within her reach, and earphones play a faint melody that fills the room. Bad Example: the room is filled with stuff. Step 3: Artistic Vision and Style: Define the artistic style of the scene. Good Example: The scene should exude a sense of calm chaos and be filled with bright, psychedelic colors, like a fever dream painted by an artist. Bad Example: The scene is colorful. Step 4: Camera and Viewpoint Details: Specify the preferred viewpoint and select the appropriate camera settings. The specific settings should be selected and adjusted as appropriate for the scene. Good Example: The scene should be captured from a viewpoint looking down at an angle from above, providing an overview of her world. Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings should be adjusted to best capture the brightness and texture of the scene. Bad Example: the image is viewed from above. Step 5: Incorporate symbolic and cultural elements: Depending on the background of the scene and characters, include symbolic or cultural aspects. Good Example: Despite the visual chaos, appropriate cultural elements are subtly integrated into the scene, which serves to further deepen her background and personality. Bad Example: The room has cultural Step 6: Final Tweaks and Clarifications: Review all previous steps and make further adjustments. Good Example: The scene should maintain a balance between vibrant chaos and serene undertones, and lighting should be used to emphasize shadows and depth. Emphasize her journey by highlighting the colors in her immediate surroundings. Bad Example: The image needs more color. Step 7: Enumerate all elements First, specify the specific values of the camera in step 4 (In particular, make sure that no elements from step1 step2 are left out! Then output in the following format Please use bullet points. markdown"""" Output string of step1 Output string of step2 .... Output string of step6 """markdown ####input 女の子が笑顔で東京の街並みで立っている アニメ柄 オレンジ色の長い髪の毛とピンクの着物

Step 1: Character Description:
The protagonist stands confidently in the middle of Tokyo, a cheerful smile spread across her face. Her hair, the color of a fiery sunset, cascades down to her waist in soft waves, framing her vibrant face. Her eyes, shimmering with excitement, reflect the vivid city lights. Wearing a vibrant pink kimono, she embodies traditional beauty amidst the modern cityscape. The kimono, embellished with intricate floral designs, wraps around her petite frame elegantly, the obi sash tied securely at her waist. Her posture is straight, and there is an undeniable sense of fearlessness and hope emanating from her, much like the city that surrounds her.
Step 2: Environment and Object Details:
Tokyo's busy streets serve as the backdrop, where towering skyscrapers touch the heavens and neon signs pulse with life. People hustle and bustle, a lively symphony of Tokyo's daily life. Street vendors peddle their wares, and the aromas of enticing street food waft through the air. On a closer look, one might notice a tiny wooden charm, clutched tightly in her hands, a talisman, perhaps from a local Shinto shrine, tying her to her cultural roots amidst the urban sprawl.
Step 3: Artistic Vision and Style:
The artistic style of the scene is distinctly anime-inspired, blending the surreal elements of that medium with a sort of hyperrealism that captures the vibrancy of Tokyo. The protagonist, in her traditional attire, juxtaposes against the urban cityscape. The scene is to be awash with a palette of vibrant hues, yet retaining a certain subtlety that mirrors the protagonist's serenity in the midst of chaos.
Step 4: Camera and Viewpoint Details:
The camera viewpoint should be at eye-level, to capture her gaze meeting with the viewer's, building an instant connection. A lower aperture setting can be used to keep the protagonist in sharp focus, allowing the viewer to appreciate every detail of her appearance, while the bustling cityscape in the background is captured in a beautiful bokeh effect. A faster shutter speed will freeze the moment, capturing her stance amidst the whirlwind pace of the city.
Step 5: Incorporate symbolic and cultural elements:
Her pink kimono and the wooden charm serve as vital cultural elements that root the scene within Japanese tradition. The blend of the modern cityscape and traditional attire symbolizes the protagonist's and Tokyo's harmonious blend of old and new, past and present.
Step 6: Final Tweaks and Clarifications:
Despite the visual overload of Tokyo's cityscape, the protagonist should remain the central focus. Adjust lighting to ensure she is well illuminated, adding depth and enhancing her vivid colors. Furthermore, ensure that the city's energy is encapsulated while preserving her serene demeanor.
Step 7: Enumerate all elements:

  • The protagonist with long orange hair, standing upright in Tokyo, smiling, dressed in a pink kimono

  • Busy Tokyo cityscape, with bustling people, skyscrapers, neon signs, and street vendors

  • The protagonist holding a wooden charm

  • Anime-inspired artistic vision, utilizing a vibrant yet subtle color palette

  • Camera viewpoint at eye-level with a low aperture setting for a sharp focus on the protagonist and a beautiful bokeh effect for the background, and a fast shutter speed to freeze the moment

  • Incorporation of traditional Japanese elements, represented by the pink kimono and the wooden charm

  • Final lighting adjustments to ensure the protagonist stands out against the energetic cityscape while maintaining her serene demeanor.
