





なので、授業中によく話せた人には、会話の自然な流れで放課後の予定を聞いて、予定がなければカフェに誘うようにしています!今まで、カフェに誘って嫌な顔をされたことはありません!笑 むしろ、即答で「いく!」と言ってくれますし、次の日もまた会話が弾む気がします!



Hi, I'm Rika. I'm on a leave of absence to study abroad and now I'm in Canada🇨🇦

I overslept this morning, and I was absent from the morning class...
I am not good at getting up early originally.
Even though I am getting used to life in Canada, I am feeling tired at the same time because I have been here almost
for two months. Anyway I will recognize it as Gogatsu-Byou🙂

Although I overslept, I prepared perfectly and joined classes in the afternoon. I went to school at noon When we usually have a lunch break, some friends asked me "Oh RIka, are you okay? What happened?". Then they accepted and smiled at me telling me "It happens", so my nervousness was gone☺︎

After school, I joined an activity which is held in school!
During the activity, my friend from Taiwan said to me spacing out "You don't have enough caffeine, don't you?"
So I replied "Absolutely! Let's go to a cafe!?"
We invited some students around us, then I went to a cafe with four students (a Japanese, two Korean, and a Taiwanese)☕️
Actually, I have never talked with two Koreans but I became friends with them🌿

I believe that how many people I communicate with and build relationships with is one of the judgment standards for how positively I could take action.
That's why if I talk a lot with someone in class, I often invite him/her to cafes! I've never gotten bad reactions about the invitation!
Or rather, everyone immediately says "Yes!" and we can have a lively conversation even the next day!
Also, the experience of inviting someone by myself makes me confident!
How I can change is up to me!
I'll do my best while enjoying☺️

Thank you for reading this post through to the end!
See you next time♡
