ロシアのフェイクアカウントについて その⑯:ウクライナ人とのコンタクト







Actually you do a lot of good things. But in my opinion i don't believe in this flag. Because even before full-scale war there was a lot of russians that are hating us. It's not: "people should not be held responsible for the actions of their gov." Nah. They should. They should feel every sanction for the whole country not just banks, politicians and rich. People too. They did it because they are supporting this regime. And it's like 80% of them are supporting it.


And people around the world don't understand what russians has on their mind. They want to recreate Soviet Union and make people their resources. People around the world don't know what Soviet's communism is. Our parents and grandparents know it. Our families went through a lot because of russian communists. A lot of members were sent to the gulag or killed just because they wanted to be intelligent and know their history, religion and own language. And we Ukrainians went through a lot of scary thing because of it. But still we remember our history and who we are and we are fighting for it. And russians just want to steal our history and to destroy us.

そして世界中は、ロシア人が何を考えているのか理解していません。彼らはソヴィエト連邦を再構築し、人々を彼らの資源にしたいと考えています。私たちの両親や祖父母はそれを知っています。 私たちの家族は、ロシアの共産主義者のために多くのことを経験しました。頭が良くなり、自分の歴史、宗教、自分の言語を知りたいと望んだという理由だけで、多くの人が強制収容所に送られたり、殺されたりしました。多くのウクライナ人が怖いことを経験しました。しかし、私たちは私たちの歴史を記憶し、私たちが何者であるかを記憶していて、そのために戦っています。ロシア人は我々の歴史を盗み、我々を破壊したいだけです。


There are some normal Russian who say "stop war".



And what's Russia population?



Ukraine army can't go to Moscow and arrest putin. To arrest putin, international community should unite and add pressure to Russia. economically and diplomatically. Citizens in whole country should raise voice, I think.



As I said. At least 80% are supporting it. Look. When we had a pro-russian president people protested against him. Than he decided to sent his "dogs" against them and they were captured and bitten. And it was the start of Maidan where 100+ brave Ukrainians and not only Ukrainians were killed by order of our own "president" and than he ran to Russia and are still there. After Maidan our nation were all the time against dictator's such as Putin and we were not quite at all. But Russians... When their government are killing innocent people in other country only like 300.000 people across the country went outside to protest and they were bitten by it's police and that's it. No more protests. They can't do a shit because they are afraid to be bitten or get in jail. While Ukrainians were killed while fighting against dictatorship. And after first killed innocent on protest they still didn't stop and won against dictatorship. You should check what's Maidan.

私が言ったように。少なくとも80%が支持しています。見て。親ロシア派の大統領がいたとき、人々は彼に抗議した。彼(親ロシア派の大統領)が彼ら(抗議者)に対して彼の「犬」を送ることに決めたとき、彼ら(抗議者)は捕らえられて噛まれました。そして100 人以上の勇敢なウクライナ人とウクライナ人以外の人が私たち自身の「大統領」の命令によって殺され、その後彼(親ロシア派の大統領)はロシアに逃げ、まだそこにいます。これはマイダンの始まりでした。マイダン以降、わが国は常にプーチンのような独裁者に反対してきました、(マイダン以降は)まったくそう(独裁的)ではありませんでした。しかし、ロシア人は...彼らの政府が他の国で罪のない人々を殺しているとき、全国でたった30万人の人々が抗議のために外に出て、彼らは警察に噛まれました。これ以上の抗議はありません。彼らは噛まれることや刑務所に入れられることを恐れているので、何もすることができません。(一方ウクライナの場合は、)独裁政権と戦っている間にウクライナ人が殺されました。そして、最初に抗議して罪のない人を殺した後も、彼らは止まらず、独裁に勝った。マイダンとは何かを確認する必要があります。


former ambassador write some article about Maidan and I read that.



You should watch Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom on Netflix

ウィンター オン ファイア: ウクライナの自由のための戦いを Netflix で見る必要があります。


OK. I will watch. First step, we need to stop putin.



No. You don't understand? It's not about only Putin. It's about whole regime.



whole society?



Almost. I'm 100% sure you don't even know what the whole country think about world. They are huge racists, they are... They are calling us Nazis while they talking about Russian empire and taking half of the Europe because they are Russians and they can do it. People from other countries don't believe that If we fall they will come to invade other countries. They are nazis. I was talking with a lot of Russians before full-scale war and after and they are thinking the same way as German people in 1930s.

ほとんど。ロシア全体が世界についてどう考えているかさえあなたは知らないと、私は100%確信しています。彼らは巨大な人種差別主義者です、彼らは... 彼らはロシア帝国について話し、ヨーロッパの半分を奪うこと、そしてロシア人にはそれが出来ることについて話す一方、私たちをナチスと呼んでいます。他の国の人々は、私たちが倒れたら、彼らが他の国を侵略するようになるとは信じていません。彼らはナチスです。私は、本格的な戦争の前後に多くのロシア人と話していましたが、彼らは 1930 年代のドイツ人と同じように考えています。


Strong Russia. putin's slogan. childish. I guess uneducated Russian think like that. educated Russian won't think like that.



I'm pretty sure you know what's North Korean propaganda



Some Russian say "I'm ashamed my government and people who won't take action to stop government". Yes,



In Soviet Union it was almost the same



They sometimes shoot missile over Japan.



And Russia were the writers of that propaganda. So it's people still under it. Even educated people think like that. Because their whole life they were under propaganda.



They should understand that they can't be great by killing citizen in neighbor country.



For the whole Soviet Union our greatest enemy was USA but inside Russia they played propaganda against Ukrainians because the whole 1900s we were trying to be a freedom country. They think like that mate. They are happy that innocent Ukrainians are dying. Because almost whole country under propaganda.



China is same. They are eager to conquer foreign country around them. Pay much money to buy weapon. Why communists think like that? The original thought is "work together, share together". When did it change to "conquer around us"?



It always has been like that. Just because it started in Russia. You know why Communism at first started in Russia? ( Russian empire atm ) because people were uneducated because uneducated is easier to manipulate. Even Ukrainians were a part of Russian Empire and if you don't know Ukrainians were slaves in 1800s. Since the time when Russian Empire were created Ukrainians were always under attack.

いつもそうでした。ロシアで始まったからです。共産主義が最初にロシアで始まった理由を知っていますか? ( ロシア帝国 atm ) 人々に教育を受けさせないためです。教育を受けていない方が操作しやすいからです。ウクライナ人でさえロシア帝国の一部であり、1800 年代にウクライナ人が奴隷だったことを知らなければ。ロシア帝国が創設された時から、ウクライナ人は常に攻撃を受けていました。


I read that cossack was free people.



Yes. But after Catherine II killed and turtured most of them they ended excist and after that Ukrainians started to be slaves. There is an article about it.


はい。しかし、キャサリン 2 世(エカテリーナ2世)が彼らのほとんどを殺して拷問した後、彼らは絶滅し、その後、ウクライナ人は奴隷になり始めました。それについての記事があります。


same as china. In china, Serf support Mao zedong and build China communist party and this party conquered whole china. They still don't have electoral system. pay tax but don't have right to vote. I will do what I can do. I think it will support Ukraine that International community raise voice against putin. Let's raise voice.



That's true. And i thank you for this. Take care

