
Be Yourself!

I think the hardest thing for people to understand is that there is more than one way to do things and live.

Just because someone does not follow your lead does not mean they are wrong; they are just different.

A lot of people will argue for a very black-and-white world of right and wrong, but the truth is that there are a million shades of gray to operate within.

And in case you're wondering, the minute you think, 'I wouldn't do that,' you're making a judgment.

My mother used to say that she loved us all, but she didn't always like the things we did.

She never quit loving us, but it didn't mean she approved of everything we did or grew up to be.

For the most part, she understood that once we became adults, it was our choice to fulfill our own happiness.

I try to be that person, so let your flag fly, be your authentic self, but just be considerate of others.
