



I see you got a little sun today.日焼けしたみたいだな。
Oh silly me わたしったら
I have to fix it なんとかしなきゃ

The more the better多ければ多いほどいい
when it comes to the 〜について言えば



After a long while 久しぶりに
For all I know 、多分、知らないけ
You tell me こっちが聞きたい
You got meその通り
I can tell みればわかるよ、そうみたいね
I’m telling you言っておくけど まじで
Seriously ほんまほんま、
So what?だから?
Let me finish 最後まで言わせて
Nothing in particular 特にありません。
That’s all do for now とりあえずこれで
That’ll do
I got you /your back 私がついてる助ける
I’m lostさっぱりわからない
That happens よくあること
Let’s see hereさてと
Tell you whatこうしよう
Before I know knew it いつのまにか
Just like that 急に?
Just a secちょっとまって
As much as possible できるだけ


Like I care?知ったこっちゃないけど
Then it’s settled じゃあいいじゃん
it’s not much それほどでも
Warn me 先に言ってよ
Aren’t you 違うの?
What did I do?わたしなんかした?
You gotta admit 認めろよ
What did I tell you 言ったでしょ
Stop interrupting邪魔するな
I interrupted じゃましたな
Not so sure それはどうかな
I’ll say it again 何回も言うけど
I had to 仕方なかった。
Well Why don’t ya じゃあすれば?
You don’t wanna しない方がいいよ、後悔するよ
Don’t care anymore:もういいから


Scoot over つめて
There it is ここにあったのね
There you are そこにいたのね
Props go there 小道具はそこ

It’s not big deal 大した事ないよ


Maybe later そのうちね
Maybe next time また今度ね
Not the time 今は無理
I’m ready to order


I’m used to it 慣れてる
You’ll get used to it そのうちなれるよ
I’m getting something わかってきた

About an hour ago なーあご 

No spoilers 先に言わんとってネタバレすな
One look I knew 一眼見てすぐわかった。

Let me guess もしかして、当てるわ

You haven’t changed 変わらないね
You don’t have to do that それは大丈夫やらんでいいよ
Hold the tomatoes トマト抜きで
You should stop by ぜひきてね
Something came up 用事ができて

I’m trying わかってるよ
I’ll take a risk一か八かやる
I’ll take your advice わかりました。

give it some time 時間を置け
may i go in 入っていい?
How very telling 君わかりやすいね
I can’t think of it 思い出せん

It's expired!消費期限切れてる!
This stuff is overpriced ぼったくり
It's dazzling

I’m about to sneeze くしゃみしそう

Take it or leave it 嫌ならいい
Those are wild guesses 当てずっぽう!

You will come forth まえにでて
I was wondering それで思ってたんだけど
Just asking:聞いてみただけ
If I do say so myself 自分でいうのもなんやけど
It seems soそうみたいだね

It’s worth it それだけの価値がる
We all have times like that.みんなそんな時もあるよ


We meet again また合ったな


What do you want なんのよう?
How does it goどうやるの?
What are they saying(隣の部屋で)なんていってるん?
What time is good for you 何時がいい?
Where does this goこれどこに置く?
What else could that be 他に何が考えられる
Hasn’t she told ya? きいてない?
Why wontcha just stopなんでやめへんの
Won’t you
Is that even possible?そんなことできるの?
How was yesterday 昨日どうだった?
Does it show わかる?

What am I gonna do?どうしよう
What should I choose どれにしようかな


I’m not myself today 落ち着かなくって
What a relief 安心した


You were saying 何の話だっけ?
Where were weどこまで話したっけ
Can I ask you something off topic? ちょっと話変えていい?


I’ll just be going もういくよ
We should do again soonまたしようね!


Be right backすぐ戻るよ
Be right behind すぐ追いかけるよ
We’ll be late おくれるよ
While I’m gone 留守の間いない間
I’m just heading out ちょうど出るところ
I’ll be right over すぐそっち行く
I’m on my way (to you 今向かってます
We’re here ついたよか
I’m for over here 来たよ人に向かって


Are you sure you don’t want something a bit fancier
You sure you don’t wanna sty?
That’s quite a bit かなり量あるよ


Oh we lost itあー惜しかった、ゲームとか


I’m very conflicted 迷ってる


That’s how I do it それが俺のやり方
That’s how it works そういう仕組み(かんじ)なん

Pick up

You picked up on that ?ばれた?
I didn’t pick up on that 気づかんかった

At least

At least call せめて電話して
At least you tried でも頑張ったじゃん


Nature callトイレいってくる
I’m just procrastinatingちょうどサボってた ぷろーぽくらすてぃ
Now this is more like it やっぱこうじゃないとな


知性とはWhat is intelligence?

"Intellectualism is an attitude open to criticism of oneself.
While holding one's own opinions, one continues to doubt oneself.
Closed individuals or closed worlds cannot correct mistakes.
Therefore, to avoid deviation,
it is necessary to remain connected with the external world.
When one's mental state is weak or pride is too high, it becomes easy to reject others' opinions. One must not fear exposing oneself to friends or outsiders who criticize oneself.
Intellectualism is an attitude open to criticism of oneself.

"If one only observes what interests them, the world gradually narrows.
It's important to recognize that
expanding one's interests presents a valuable opportunity
and to endeavor to cultivate new interests."

Humans easily become trapped in assumptions and lose sight of reality.
In justifying oneself, one might overlook something significant.
Confrontation is daunting.
However, it's better to face it squarely
than to pretend it isn't there and continue living.

Confucius. To fail to correct a mistake is to make another mistake. Those who leave mistakes uncorrected will repeat them."

知識に対する生き方Living with Knowledge

Whether or not you habitually engage with knowledge and information,
and the ease with which you approach studying,
can change your life.

What's important is the meta-information about
how to find the necessary information, rather than just the dry facts.
It's like having a sense of the terrain of information,
a map of the information world.
Develop a sense of familiarity with where to find what you need.

本に載っている無味乾燥の情報に、自分なりの思い出や思想などを絡ませながら自分の血肉としていく。無色透明の情報に自分なりの色をつけていく。自分で作ったメタ情報が、長期的に自分の中にのこり、自分の武器になる。Take the bland, dry information found in books
and weave your own memories and thoughts into it,
making it your own flesh and blood.
Infuse color into the colorless, transparent information.
The meta-information you create will stay with you long-term,
becoming your own arsenal.

When you hit a dead end,
it's either due to a lack of information or a mistaken premise.

Fools learn from experience; wise men learn from history.
This also means reading books.
Reading is nourishment for the mind.

言語化と思考力Linguistic Expression and Critical Thinking

In order to live in this world authentically,
it is necessary to have one's own words.
Otherwise, even if you think you're living freely,
you're just bound by someone else's words and can't escape from there.
It's important to know the words that bind you and to have your own opinions.

By digitizing and verbalizing the analog, continuous, and ambiguous world, solutions to problems can be identified
and made easier to handle through language.
Once a problem is verbalized, it's as if half of it is already solved.
The world is perceived through language.
Ways of thinking incorporated in words are linked to our various thoughts and actions.
That's why verbalization is important.

Comic book heroes aren't amazing because they have genius abilities to make decisions at the last moment.
It's because they have a habit of thinking regularly
and have their own principles, which makes their decisions quick
and attractive to people.

What's necessary in a VUCA society is to reconstruct one's mind,
find one's own answers, and let the flowers of expression bloom.
Imagination is the ability to connect ideas and flashes of inspiration
from seemingly unrelated fields.

人生のルールRules of Life

Be proactive by pressing the pause button and taking control.
Aim for goals based on principles
and prioritize top priorities.
Aim for Win-win situations
by understanding others
and creating synergy.

Living proactively means deciding one's mood and perspective for oneself.
It involves paradigm shifts.
When thinking, essential thinking is important for prioritizing tasks.
Instead of reacting impulsively,
pause for a moment, think for just 10 seconds.
Then it's good to immediately transition
to the action of gathering information.

視座の転換paradigm shifts

Living proactively means deciding one's mood and perspective for oneself.

Humor is the soul's weapon to not lose sight of oneself.
It's something inherent in humans,
allowing them to distance themselves from their surroundings
and not be overwhelmed by situations.
- "Night and Fog"

Those who have once wandered can wander anywhere.
Those who rebel against the Creator can have any purpose,
or no purpose at all. - "The Origin of Ego"

Many breakthroughs come from adversity.
When you feel like giving up, it's not the end but the beginning.
What will you do to overcome the adversity? Start anew.
