
鷺浦小学校との連携/ Collaboration with Local elementary school kids

The Red Dot Schoolは佐木島唯一の小学校である鷺浦小学校との連携・交流を積極的に行っています。運動会への参加、図工授業、左官ワークショップなど、世界中・日本中から佐木島に来られた学生と小学生の子供たちが、さまざまな形で触れ合い、学び合う時間を過ごします。
The Red Dot School is actively involved in collaboration and exchange with Sagiura Elementary School, the only elementary school in Sagishima. Elementary school children and RDS students from all over the world and Japan spend time interacting and learning from each other in various ways, including participation in sports events, arts and crafts classes, plastering workshops, and more.

2024年1月には、佐木島ロッテリアというカードゲームを、小学校の子供達とThe Red Dot Schoolメンバー・卒業生で作りました。ロッテリアとは、メキシコのビンゴゲームです。ゲームの詳細は割愛しますが、ゲームを楽しみながら、メキシコの文化も少し知ることができるというものです。The Red Dot School代表理事のブライアンのルーツの一部がメキシコにあり、彼のアイディアで、佐木島版のロッテリアを子供たと一緒に作ってみようということになりました。
In January 2024, we created a card game called Sagishima Loteria with elementary school children and The Red Dot School members and alumni. Loteria is a Mexican bingo game. Bryan, the president of The Red Dot School, has some of his roots in Mexico, and it was his idea to create a Sagishima version of Loteria with the children.

When architecture students from the University of Melbourne recently visited Sagishima for fieldwork, they were greeted by children from Sagiura Elementary School playing taiko drums. We were struck by their heartfelt performance.

Through their interactions with the children, RDS students will feel something that they cannot get from adult-to-adult interactions, and build a relationship between themselves and Sagishima. We hope that through continuous interaction, the children of Saginoura Elementary School will come to love themselves, their school, and Sagishima even more.

To students who will be coming to Sagishima, we have energetic children waiting for you, and to the RDS graduates, your friends are looking forward to your homecoming.

(文責:河野直 NAO KONO)
