
REALITY Streamer Session #1 Recap: Forbidden

What is the REALITY Streamer Session?

The REALITY Streamer Session is a new project aimed at showcasing some of the awesome creators that we have in REALITY, creating some space to learn streaming know-how and share that information with all of our streamers out there to try to help those who are aiming to join events and expand or start their own activities as creators in REALITY, or as streamers in general!
Our Global Partnership team member Bash hosts this event as we receive several creators from REALITY to learn more about their journey, tips about streaming, and more.
Be sure to check it out too for some tips, and to get to know new creators in REALITY!

REALITY Streamer Session Recap: Networking with Forbidden

Our first "REALITY Streamer Session" on June 20th was a hit! Special guest Forbidden shared her insights on building a strong network with other streamers.

You can check Forbidden's social media accounts here!

Forbidden's background and motivation

Would you briefly introduce yourself and tell us a little about your backstory, and about how you started here on REALITY?
Would you briefly introduce yourself and tell us a little about your backstory, and about how you started here on REALITY?
I was a facestreamer, and have been doing content creation for about 8 years now and this is my second year in REALITY! I missed being in action after stopping my content creation on other platforms, I missed being in a community, so I started again in REALITY! I love doing community engagement content and I do networking events every month, so that’s my bread and butter!
Awesome! What would you say inspired you to be a streamer, what motivates you to keep active every day?
I’ll be really honest with you; I started streaming out of boredom. I always worked with children, so I wanted to interact more with adults, so I tried out streaming and fell in love with it! If I didn’t have people to talk to, or to interact with, I probably would have stopped! That’s why I don’t feel like stopping any time soon.

Tips about networking and streaming

Forbidden emphasized the importance of networking in her career and offered tips on approaching other streamers authentically and respectfully. She highlighted the need for clear communication and planning for successful collaborations. Engaging with her audience and using social media, especially X & Discord, were key points in building connections.

Maintaining relationships through regular communication and support, as well as learning from successful streamers, were also discussed. The session was full of valuable insights, hopefully leaving everyone inspired to build stronger connections in the streaming community.

How do you continue to learn and grow? In this ever-evolving streaming and content creation industry, how do you keep updated on the latest trends?
You lurk! This is gonna sound weird to some people, but you have to do your research. You see what people are doing, you check what people are doing and what their viewers love, you take inspiration from that and you try to create something awesome too. Don’t get me wrong; other streamers love it when you take inspiration from them, but you have to take care of everyone’s personal space. Don’t copy them, try to do something your own, but taking inspiration from others is necessary to do your research on what is trending lately! Ask yourself: “What makes you unique? What makes people click your stream and stay there?” If you can answer that question, you will definitely be able to grow too.
That’s great advice! People who just stream and leave, stream and leave and don’t think about what’s working and what is not might not feel any improvement, people who are able to deeply think about what they’re doing, try to improve it, add their own spice are usually the ones that grow a lot, right?
Facts. And you can always try to turn your research time into opportunities to network with other streamers too, so I definitely recommend that!
So, if you haven’t said that yet, what would be the single most valuable piece of advice you would give a new streamer about starting to build their network?
The biggest piece of advice is “be consistent”. Consistency is key to streaming and content creation. It will make it easier to plan if you build a schedule, that consistency builds up your brand, builds up your identity, and builds up your networking. If people see you’re posting in regular intervals and always at the same time, they will reach you and you will be able to start your networking from there.

Community Events

Forbidden has been hard at work putting together a number of community events that present a great opportunity to flex your own networking muscle 💪 - find out more below:

Esports Field Day Tournament on Aug 16 - 18: https://forms.gle/nTotQCmNRNVmcBzv9

Thanks again to our special guest Forbidden as well as everyone who stopped by for the stream. Stay tuned for our next Streamer Session in July!
