

Radiohead's early works

I first heard it two years ago.

I had no idea that "Planet Telex" was Thom Yorke's voice.

When I persistently talked about this to my youngest daughter,

I remember my second daughter coldly replying, "I've been listening to so much ThomYorke Thom Yorke!! What's wrong with that?" (lol)

nice dream


(I love the divine (RADIOHEAD) ThomYorke!!神聖的で、大好き!!)

Surveillance footage of Thom Yorke playing ``High and Dry'' before he formed Radiohead has been uploaded online.

This is believed to have been taken around 1989 and is a performance by the punk band Headless Chickens, which Tom briefly joined while attending university. You can check out an early version of "High and Dry" from Head's album "The Bends."


RADIOHEAD ThomYorke|naho-21