
mouse on the keys が「マツモト建築芸術祭 2024 ANNEX」のフィナーレでライブパフォーマンス!

mouse on the keys と芸術祭関係者 松本建築芸術祭にて           Photo : Mayuko Takeuchi

長野県松本市で2022年から開催されている「マツモト建築芸術祭」。第3回の今年、「マツモト建築芸術祭2024 ANNEX 消えゆく名建築 アートが住み着き 記憶する」として、解体予定の旧松本市立博物館をメイン会場にして、2月23日(金)に開幕した。

展示は連日、大勢の観覧客で賑わい好評を博し、迎えた3月24日の芸術祭最終日には mouse on the keys(川﨑昭、新留大介、白枝匠充)、常田俊太郎(ヴァイオリン)、本澤賢士(サックス)、bonstar(ターンテーブル)、飛田雅弘(ギター)がライブパフォーマンスを行い、華々しくフィナーレを飾った。




ターンテーブル bonstar

今回の演奏は、建築物、アート作品と音楽が一体となった一日だけの巨大インスタレーションを目指すということで、mouse on the keysのメンバーに加えて、常田俊太郎(ヴァイオリン)、本澤賢士(サックス)、4bonstar(ターンテーブル)、飛田雅弘(ギター)の各演奏者が、館内に点在して演奏。


サックス 本澤賢士


(mouse on the keys / PointillismII 企画案2 より)

mouse on the keys 川崎昭

mouse on the keys の川崎は言うー「歴史ある建築物が壊される。壊される中で、アートによって永遠の美、体験というのを残したい。その時に、僕らバンドは、建築物全体を使って響かせて、建築が最後、歌を歌うようにというか、そういうイメージで演奏を行った。この体験を記憶に残してもらいたい。今日はそんなパフォーマンスになったのだったら成功だと思う。」

mouse on the keys 新留大介

この春から、NHK「新プロジェクトX」のサウンドトラックも手掛けるmouse on the keys。彼らの新たな挑戦に今後も目が離せない。

NHK「新プロジェクトX 挑戦者たち 」のサウンドトラックを制作


本記事の内容及び、RE-MiX arts に関するお問い合わせは下記よりお願いいたします。

宛名:株式会社RE-MiX 長谷川 美妃

mouse on the keys performs live at the finale of "Matsumoto Architectural Arts Festival 2024 ANNEX"!

The Matsumoto Architectural Art Festival has been held in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture since 2022. This year, the third edition of the festival opened on Friday, February 23rd, with the main venue being the former Matsumoto City Museum, which is scheduled to be demolished, with the title ``Matsumoto Architectural Arts Festival 2024 ANNEX: Disappearing Famous Architecture Art Takes Home and Remembers.''
The exhibition attracted many visitors every day and was well received, and on the final day of the art festival on March 24th, mouse on the keys (Akira Kawasaki, Daisuke Niidome, Takumitsu Shiraeda), Shuntaro Tsuneta (violin) ), Kenji Motozawa (saxophone), bonstar (turntable), and Masahiro Tobita (guitar) performed live, making for a spectacular finale.
It has been decided that the former Matsumoto City Museum, which was the main venue, will be demolished, and the final day of the art festival on March 24th will be the last event before the demolition. As this was the last chance to visit the museum, a large number of people could be seen waiting in front of the building before it opened at 6pm.
This time's performance aims to be a one-day gigantic installation that combines architecture, art works, and music, and in addition to the members of Mouse on the Keys, Shuntaro Tsunetaro (violin) and Kenji Motozawa (saxophone) , 4bonstar (turntable), and Masahiro Tobita (guitar) are scattered throughout the hall.
The audience was captivated by the groundbreaking worldview of enjoying the collaboration of art and sound unfolding on each floor, including the basement, first floor, and second floor, while walking around the museum.

This is in line with their goal of ``eliminating the hierarchical relationship between the audience seats and the stage, allowing the audience to enjoy a new listening experience while moving freely.''

“Performers definitely play with their own initiative, but the music that is generated and combined becomes an unexpected ensemble that can only be created in the here and now.''
(mouse on the keys / PointillismII project proposal 2)
Mouse on the Keys' Kawasaki says, ”Historic buildings are being destroyed.While they are being destroyed, we want to leave behind an eternal beauty and experience through art.At that time, we as a band will use the entire building to make it resonate.” At the end, I performed with the impression that the architecture was singing a song.I want people to remember this experience.If that's how it turned out today, I think it was a success.''

Starting this spring, mouse on the keys will also be working on the soundtrack for NHK's "New Project X." We will continue to keep an eye on their new challenges.

Produced the soundtrack for NHK's "New Project X Challengers"

▪️Inquiries regarding this article

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Address: RE-MiX Co., Ltd. Miki Hasegawa
Department: PR Marketing Headquarters
To: miki.hasegawa@re-mix.community
