my first heartbreak story

Suddenly I heard your favorite song from somewhere 

and my mind just couldn't think about anything but us back then

the beach you took me for the first time 

the restaurant we always went around midnight 

the street your house was located so that I'll never forget the name

the car you loved to drive 

the moments we laughed and loved 

the time we fought and cried 

the meaningless arguments 

and the scars we both gave each other 

the long text that you sent  i will never read

Do I regret things between us ?

Hell yeah

Do I really want to delete all those memories?


I deserve to have all of them.

Because no matter what happened between me and you

At the end, we have to admit and learn from them.

It is nothing like what I imagined, 

but that is what life is.

So, you are someone I used to be with,

but not someone special anymore.
