

ブランドストーリーやブランドの価値を伝えるために、アンセムをつくる必要があると思う。アンセムとは元々は教会音楽の一種。聖歌、交唱賛美歌。祝いの歌、祝曲。「国歌(national anthem)」大きな意味で「応援歌」でもある。



Anthem to convey the value of the brand

I think we need to create anthems to communicate our brand story and brand values. An anthem is originally a type of church music. A chant, a communion hymn. Anthem is a type of church music. A national anthem is also a cheering song in a larger sense.

The main melody can provide continuity between films in a series, such as Star Wars and 007. In terms of sound brand strategy, before creating a sonic logo and a commercial song, it is necessary to first create an anthem and then build on the main melody of the anthem.


我认为我们需要创造颂歌来讲述我们的品牌故事和品牌价值。 国歌最初是教会音乐的一种类型。 一首圣歌,一首圣餐赞美诗。 这是一首庆祝之歌。 它也是一首国歌,从更大的意义上说是一首欢呼曲。

主旋律可以在《星球大战》或《007》等系列电影之间提供延续性。 从声音品牌的角度来看,在创造一个声音标志和一首商业歌曲之前,有必要创造一首国歌,并在国歌的主旋律基础上发展。
