
Survival English ラジオビジネス英語

NHKゴガク ラジオビジネス英語 2022のなかで、実際の場面で使えそうな文章を収集していきます。とっさの表現集として活用ください。


Week24 転勤の打診

There's something that I'd like to talk to you about.

Oh, I'm all ears. What is it?

It's about your next assignment. I'd like you to work in Tokyo.

I want you to head the planning team. We need people like you to lead a team to the next level.

What a surprise! I didn't think about that of my career path... It'll probably be challenging, but it could be really rewarding.

Sounds great. Take your time and have a think!

I'll talk to you in private next week.

Sleep well last night?

Not really... I didn't except to be offerd a tranfer.

I guess that's an American way to do business.

Are you considering the offer?

Well, I'm not exactly sure...

How about you?

My wife said only, go for it! 

Well, I'm sure we'll all find a way.

I'll leave it to destiny, then.

やりがいがある というフレーズ

We are committed to providing challenging but rewarding educational programs.

Building a dam isn't easy, but it'll definitely be worthwhile for this country.


Now, we must leave it all to chance.

We did what we could, Now, we just let nature take its course.

Maybe it's better to go with the flow.


Week 23 社内会合でのスピーチ

Sorry to interrupt, but may I have attention, please.

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce two outstanding employees to you.

They were appointed as project leaders. They have done a professional job in all aspects.

Without their effort, I don't even think we would be here today.

I'd like to briefly introduce yourself. Shall we start with Kana?

Thank you, Mr. Meyer.

I'm Izumi form Tokyo. The Chinese charactor for " Izumi" has the connotation of " Fountain that never stop creating ideas". So, I'll do my best to live up to my name.

I wish you every success. 

Over to you, Henry.

Thanks, Izumi.

I've always been into my cars, so it's great to see that passion here, too.

I can't wait to see the first Indian-made cars taking the world by storm!

Without your innovative idea, we would be completely stuck.

We owe so much of this success to your individual effort.

Thanks to your team effort, 

What are you into lately?

I've been totally into jazz.

I hear that you've been into playing futsal lately.

My mom is crazy about K-pop.

I've been hooked on the movie even since I watched the first episode.

I lost track of time.

I'm delighted by the interest our project is receiving from the press.

Regarding your request, Henry and I are happy to do an interview. It is a great honor.

I'm afraid we only have the following time slots available, but would any of them work for you?

Please address me as "Izumi". I think it's about time.

No worries if that too much of a hassle.

If it's difficult, please disregard this matter.

Just to be on the safe side,


Week 22 質疑応答に対応する

Now, we're happy to take questions from the floor.

According to the press release, 

Do you have any plan to increase the number ?

I was expecting that kind of question.

Does that answer your question?

Does that address your question in enough detail?

Does that make sense?

Did I make myself clear?

So many other questions?

You're all still thinking on this one? ... Well, something a lot of people have asked me is what this system are needed to 

We have to round things up now, so we'll take one last question.

Just a quick question.

That's a very important question.

We need to round up some more presentation ideas.

Unfortunately, that's just about all we have time for today.

I'm afraid the time is running out, so let's wrap up today's takeaways.

If there are no further questions, I'll finish there.

It's an interesting question, but I'm not an expert on this, and I'm afraid it goes a bit beyond the scope of this presentation.

Would anyone in the room like comment?

We will keep you informed on our progress.

To keep everyone in the loop, I'm sharing the latest development on Project B.

I have good news and bad news, I'll start with the good.

Week 21 竣工式で社長がスピーチする

Now, can we have a few words from our CEO?

Thank you Izumi, Good afternoon, everyone.

Thank you taking the time today to attend the completion ceremony for our plant.

On behalf of the whole company, I'd like to welcome you all.

I'm truly grateful for your kind support.

In particular, I'd like to thank Dr. Patel and his team.

I'm grateful to you all for contributing to this challenging task.

I really appreciate your thoughtful and kind advice on my future career.

We can be proud of our involvement.

This project is an important milestone for our future bisiness.

I'm excited to tell you that there are more deals in the pipeline.

Thanks to you all for your excellent work, and let's keep it this up!

We choose Chennai for three reasons: its geographical location, well-developed infrastructure, and abundance of local talent.

After test runs, I feel our decision to believe was the right call.

Of course, it won't always be sunshine and rainbows. But we are here for the long haul.

Thank you, everyone. We look forward to working with you.

Keep on trying, and someday your rainbow will come shining through!

Good news brightened up my day.

Life will not be a bed of roses.

Week 20 チェンナイ支社の要望を聞く

It’s subject to the factory manager's approval, but we might be able to send people.

I'll see what I can do. How about you?

I doubt our factory manager would agree.

But I'll check with Joe first thing tomorrow morning.

Thank you both for your kind help.

Any unilateral decision will be subject to harsh criticism form voters.

The arrival time depends on congestion at the airport.


No worries. Busy times call for long hours. That's just life.

So can we expect a productive solution?

How's the situation in Tokyo?

Hopefully this will sort things out.

We've finally sorted out the software glitch.



I'm glad I caught you.

Are we having trouble?

A human-resources issue has come up.

Could you join our online meeting right now? I've just sent you a link.

No problem.

We thought it'll be quicker for the three of us to discuss the issue together than to pass on message to each other.

That make sense. What's the issue? 

Let me come straight to the point.

In that case, why don't you just get to the point?

Firstly, I ask everyone here to be honest and get straight to the point.

Let's get down to the business, shall we?


It’s not rare that the quality of staff comes up.

Could you elaborate on that a bit more?


I mean, it's understandable.

Could you elaborate on that optimistic outlook?

Let me elaborate on the concerns.

Could you explain in detail about the pros and cons?


Week 18 アメリカ側の交渉結果を聞く&落としどころを探る

In short, no.

It's noy cost-effective.

Right. I mean, in that case...

You're right.

I guess it all comes down to production capacity.

Ultimately, the CEO has the final say.

What dis they say?

To my surprise, they say it's a goal they can meet.

Are you serious? No way!

Bud sadly, there's a condition.

OK, you win this time! Pray all goes well!

Would we even be eligible for the incentive if things took two years?

Sole proprietors are also eligible to apply for this grant.

In my view, Kelly is well qualified for a managerial position.

Week 17 税制優遇策について話し合う

Sorry for the video call in the late evening.

We have flexible working hours, so I'm working late today.

Relieved to hear that.

That's no walk in the park.

It'll be back to square one for everybody.

Not exactly square one, right? There must be room for adjustment.

Maybe we'll come up with a better idea if we start from scratch.

I need to start all over.

They're not cash rich.

Be realistic.

Could you ask before ruling out all possibilities?

OK, I'll see what our old friends have to say.

Just to avoid any misunderstanding,

I didn't mean to push you, but I'm sorry if I gave you that impression.

No need to apologize.  You didn't sound pushy at all. 

Sorry for the rush, but I'd like you to review the attached document by tomorrow.

It may sound unreasonable, but we would be grateful if you could accommodate our request.

Sorry to keep bothering you, but I'm afraid I have one more request. 

Week16 投資促進庁の責任者と会食する

Thank you for accepting my invitation for lunch today.

The pleasure is ours.

Is it OK for you to drink alcohol?

The state of Tamil Nadu doesn't ban alcohol entirely.

Hindus and Muslims drink right?

It depends.

We drink every now and then.

India is really a salad bowl of cultures.

If you don't mind me asking,

I think this wine goes well with just about everything.

This yokitori is great, and beer really hits the spot!

Did you enjoy your time here?

Very much. On the business side, we're happy that discussions this time around have ended on a positive note.

Could you give us a few weeks to get back to you?

That's fine.  

That would be very helpful.

That wraps up our trip this time!

It was a great pleasure to meet you both!

If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap up this meeting.

Let's recap the main points we discuss here.

Let's review the main conclusion of our discussion. 

Week15 投資促進庁と交渉する

Thank you for the presentation. I understand the incentives available for us.

Am I right in understand that 

That depends.

On what?

Technically, no, but it's negotiable.

We can go from there.

Say, for example,

Can we hit the target?

That sound like a reasonable proposal.

I cannot make any promises, but I'll assure you.

I can't say for sure, but we might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.

This would make numbers like 9000 attainable targt.


Maybe we can both go over the conditions once more.

Thank you for coming to terms with our revised offer.

I understand your position. Thank you for even considering it.

Thank you for your understanding. That was very thoughtful of you.

Week14 投資促進庁の説明を受ける

Could you give us an overview of investment?

We'd love to.

What was the driving force behind this growth?

The main driver is well-developing infrastructure.

Hmm, I see.

Business isn't just about making profit.

It's about designing a better world.

What was the trigger for all this?

I was coming to the point. We think the trigger was the investment of Koreans in 1990s. Also...

Sorry to interrupt, but what made the Korean company invest in this region?

Probably fiscal or labor incentives.

Yes, investment!  We can hear because we wanted to talk to you about this.

OK, no problem.

Sorry to interrup, but I just want to clarify one thing.

Let me finish my sentence.

Please let me finish.



But this is a different game.

It's time to show me your driving skills!

I'll give you a medal.

Calm down.

You need to show other drivers that you're not giving away.

Watch out! You have to stop and yield to pedestrians here.


There's more to it than meets the eye.

We should take their word with a pinch of salt.

What's the maximum number of jobs we can create?

I'd say we can do 5,000, maybe?

Let's say 4,500.

You shouldn't take this comments at face value. 



Seems too good to be true.

He here has looked into this.

Drops in demand due to the pandemic were the final nail in the coffin.

Who should we meet with?

I think we should meet with local government officials?

Do you know who to contact?

Let's press forward with that!

too good to be true

It looks tempting, but don't you think the offer is too good to be true?

There may be a catch somewhere?

The whole thing smells fishy for me.

He is an influential person in the this industry.

have contacts in 

have strong network of


This is Takeshi, who you met earlier - the youngest member of our team.  

I think we'll get along.

You speak excellent English. Did you live a abroad for some time?

But it's worth watching.

Can't you imagine how much this painting is worth?

This is a valuable antique violin.

The products are of good value for the price.


I recently learned about your engagement.

Congratulations on your baby! Hope your life as a parent is filled with joy.

Let's get together and celebrate next time you come to Tokyo.




Ready for tour? Don't tell me you're wearing safety shoes?

Oh, wait, is this overkill?

I guess, but no worries.

Japanese auto maker flies the flag for Japan.

The last race really got my blood pumping.


Don't tell me you're leaving us.

Please don't tell me the flight has been canceled.

No way 

I can't possibly imagine what 


I'll now be showing you through the office.

Open office, free address? We don't go for that anymore.

Some study say that

It makes sense.

Shall we grab lunch?

OK. Let's have lunch!


People get nervous when the boss is breathing down their necks.

Everyone get nervous in front of a large audience.



Let's take the car for a spin.


I'm interested to see what the roads in Tokyo are like.

I'm interested to hear how things went.

I'm interested to know about the progress of the project.

I'm curious to find out why Steve left the company.


We can pop by a shrine and I'll get you a lucky charm for road safety.

Catholics from the Hispanic community have crosses hanging inside their cars.

ほとんどない という表現

Hardly anybody would put  a symbol of their college on their car.

I hardly remember the days in Vietnam.

I can hardly believe 

Although I rarely get jetlag.

I have little doubt that our new service will hit the ground running.

Very occasionally, the CEO comes to office.



Good to see you again. How have you been?

Great! Thanks God.

Let's head downstairs.


Is there anything else you need before we head out?

No. I'm all good.

Is there anything you need from me?

Anything you need help with?

If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

If you're running short on time, I'd be happy to give you a hand.


Sadly, no.

I had no idea!

Oh, you've done the nitty-gritty stuff for me? Thanks!


If you could give me your license, that would be great!

If you could drop us off at the nearest station, that would be great.

It would be nice if you could come to my leaving drink.

It would be great if you could send me that data analysis asap.

I would be pleased if you could accept our proposal.

Could you please email me the details?

Week 8 

Sorry the tone got a bit serious.

から解放される フレーズ

It's also a chance for us to break free from our past.


As they say, you need to know the past to look to the future.

But as they say, Roma wasn't built in a day.

We need to free ourselves from conventional approaches to working styles.

I've never had a chance to try it.

Do you have any recommendations?

Let me ask the internet.

The bigger, the better.


Have you had a chance to look though my report?

It's said the candidate stands a  fifty-fifty chance of winning the election.


This plate has a beautiful presentation, and the fish tastes delicate and sublime. It's next-Level.

Isn't it? One reason is that they use locally produced fresh ingredients, but I think the sauce and the seasoning make all the differnet. 

Week 7 

Shall we have a wrap-up meeting? I'd love to here your thoughts.

I'm glad you grasped that.


I'm very impressed with the sheer scale of things here.

I was moved by the founders stories.

I was inspired by the paintings I saw at the gallery.


I think this desk arrangement is great. With this layout, people normally from home can freely use the coworking space when they come to the office.

重要なのはーだ と伝えるフレーズ

What matters is how you deal with them.

That's what matters.

It all comes down to how much money can be spent on.

The point is

Here's the bottom line.


It’s difficult to say with the limited exposure I've had today, but the number of monthly recalls seems like a lot.

I feel that traditional marketing methods are becoming less popular. Do you think there's room for revieing the ratio of web marketing?


The reason for changeis

I ask for your kind understanding.

Week 6 


The staff may be embarrassed about the mistake.

I'm ashamed to admit that I've never watched any of her movies.

There was an awkward silence.

I sort of felt uncomfortable with the compliments I was getting.

But that's not a bad thing- it just means there's room for improvement.


We also owe a lot to this community.

I'm forever in your debt.

I'm deeply indebted to you for your commitment and support.

You name it!


イメージをつかむ 表現

You'll get a feel for how Romano cars are made.


He's scheduled to give me a tour of the production site today.


What's our time flame for this project ? Just so we're on the same page.

Do you think it's feasible?

OK. I'll relay the time flame to our teams to see how they feel about it.
Are we on the same page about the priorities?

Common understanding, shared understanding, common ground

I'll ask our people on how they intend to tackle all this.

The government needs to tackle the declining birthrate problem.

If we are able to tackle this logistic issue, the plan should work.

I need to deal with the backlog of work right away.

Was the client satisfied with the way we handle the complaints?

We need to establish our position.

相手にわかるように clear and conciseで説明する

We keep our products in a simple, Supplicated package.

Let's discuss how to tackle our first project.
Our job is to integrate A with B for production and procurement.

Our team also endorses the idea. Has your team had a chance to look at the report?
No, but I myself have read it.

We'll save huge costs by consolidating overlapping operations.

How did you find the report?
Well, the idea seems logical, but I don't see anything regarding the ratio.

If we're going to build more EV, shouldn't we relocate closer to them?
I take your point.

I'll pass on the info to our team.

Could you pass this message on to the rest of your team?

George relayed confidential information to his supervisor.

I'm forwarding you the email below.

Let's tread carefully!

It's not going to be a walk in the park,right?
Week 2
お互いの歴史を尊重する 同じことが言える

Since Iroha's history goes a long way back. But the same goes for Romano Motors, right?
We can both uphold our traditions while looking to the future.

I can imagine. I'd love to hear more about the history.

I don't know much about Japan yet. Show me the ropes?

The same goes for
The same is true of

It sounds like you did everything you could. That's what matters. And who knows? The outcome may be positive. Don't rule anything out.


How long have you been working for this company?
I entered the company straight out of college in '97.

How did you get into the industry?
I joined Iroha after graduating from college in 2007.

How are you finding your job?
I'm surprised by how much I love the job.

We were lagging behind German cars in the 80s.

behind scedule
falling behind



Hi. It's great to finally to be able to talk to you.
Thanks for joining this video call. I just to say hi and get acquainted with my new buddy.

We've been in contact through emails for nearly six months, but we haven't actually talked to each other before.

Yes, it's about time. I've been excited about finally meeting with you.


I haven't been using English much lately, so I might be a bit rusty.
My bad. I'll try to keep my English simple.


You're breaking up a bit, but I can hear you.

Am I still breaking up?

I can see you clearly, but your voice is breaking up.

You're cutting out a little. Perhaps you could re-enter the chat.
Let me switch the camera off. Can you hear me clearly now?
I have a bad connection. Can I participate with audio only?

Are you guys settling into the new situation well?

I guess it's all a bit chaotic here in Tokyo. It was all very sudden.

Any rumors in the company beforehand?
We were given a head-up that there would be a merger,  
I wouldn't have guessed in a million years.

Everyone, just a heads-up, 
It may be better to give a heads-up

Just to let you know,
Before I forget,
Just a word of caution: 


But hey, there's no going back now. Let's keep the mood positive.

I guess… it is what it is. Let's focus on the future.


Initially, I thought this approach might not work well.
But I've found your idea is very effective.

I knew you weren't happy with the plan.
But I'm relieved you're on board now.


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