9/5 オンライ英会話 記録'If you drive too fast, You might have an accident'


If~ might~

A. You know. you shouldn't drive so fast.
B.  What makes you say that?
A. If you drive too fast, you might have an accident.
B. Hmm. You're probably right.

Example 1

A. You know. you shouldn't eat so quickly.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you eat too quickly, you might get a stomachache.
B. Hmm. you're probably right.

Example 2

A. You know. you shouldn't sing so loudly.
B What makes you say that?
A. If you sing too loudly, you might get a sore throat.
B. Hmm. you're probably right.

Example 3

A. You know. Yoh shouldn't work so slowly.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you work too slowly, you might lose your job.
B. Hmm. you're probably right. 

Example 4

A. You know. you shouldn't go to bet so late.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you go bed too late, you might be tried in the morning.
B. Hmm. You're probably right.

Example 5

A. You know. you shouldn't listen to loud music.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you listen to loud music, you might hurt your ears.
B. Hmm. you're probably right.

Example 6

A. You know. You shouldn't watch scary movies.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you watch scary movies, you might have nightmares.
B. Hmm. You're probably right.

Example 7

A. You know. You shouldn't do your homework so carelessly.
B. What makes you say that?
A. If you do your homework too carelessly, you might make mistakes.
B. Hmm. You're probably right.

Example 8 

A. You know. You shouldn't sit at your computer so long.
B. What makes you say that?
A. Ig you sit at your computer too long, you might get a backache.
B. Hmm. You're probably right.
