

本家本元のBill Mitchellが解説しているのでポイントを取り上げる。


Neither of us saw the Job Guarantee as being purely a vehicle for creating work.
It was always a price anchor.


Neither of us consider the Job Guarantee should be the first response to a downturn in spending by the non-government sector.
Neither of us want the Job Guarantee to be very large in size.

第二の目的は、民間ではdecent jobに就けない人々(精神障害者や前科者など)にもsocially inclusive wageの仕事を提供すること、すなわち仕事を通じた社会的包摂である。

Which meant that I saw it as being the most basic part of a progressive economic policy structure that could help in the inflation struggle without creating unemployment but also provide accessible and stable employment at socially inclusive wage rates to those who the private market wouldn’t touch.

JGPとよく比較されるBI(basic income)は、個人を一消費者に還元して社会的分断を促進しかねないので、ミッチェルは否定的である。

… the basic income recipients are being reduced to the most elemental and crude unit that capitalism can offer – a consumption unit without any of the social advantages that work brings.



While MMT is often mistakenly equated with advocating for high deficits, we clarify that MMT does not offer “deficit spending” as a policy tool and that its policy recommendations need not lead to bigger deficits.
MMT sees the budget as a tool for pursuing the public interest—things such as full employment, inclusive and sustainable growth, and greater equality. 


