

Feminism and science are entirely incompatible.

Feminists deny the most basic facts of biology. A feminist colleague refused to accept that human males are on average physically larger and stronger than human females.

It is thus a basic precept of feminism that genetics and biology are false. This makes feminism an enemy of science. Feminist animosity to science is seen particularly in the opposition to and suppression of scientific studies that do not conform with feminist ideology.

In other words, feminists are allowed to negate academic freedom, and to deny publication of scientific evidence. As we see in this case, feminist views not only conflict with scientific evidence, but throughout our governmental and educational institutions feminists are officially allowed to bully scientists and suppress scientific conclusions that they do not like.

Finally, the assault on science continues with a demand that science be transformed into “feminist science”. In other words, feminists say that science as it has been practised during the past 500 years is no good and should be abandoned. After all, say the feminists, “objectivity is male subjectivity.”
In its place? Feminist science that “infuses social justice, inclusion and equality into science to advance progressive social change… a socially just science.” In other words, feminists do not want to explore reality through the collection and assessment of evidence. Feminists already know the answers that they like, and wish to transform science to fit feminist ideology.

Philip Carl Salzman, "Feminists Assault Science"


  1. 真っ当な学問に擬態して大学に侵入する(●● studiesの類)

  2. 他の学問分野に感染して内容を書き換える

  3. 学問全体をフェミ化する(transform science to fit feminist ideology)





"Feminists Assault Science"ではフェミニストに弾圧されている学説の一つに“Greater Male Variability Hypothesis”が挙げられているが、ローレンス・サマーズがハーバード大学総長を辞任に追い込まれたのもこれに言及したためである。

“Greater Male Variability Hypothesis”とは「男は女よりも様々な面でばらつきが大きい→分布の両端は男が多くなる」というもの。実際、超一流の数学者や物理学者の大多数が男であると同時に、ホームレスや犯罪者も男が多い。

There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates.


