

ただし、市中銀行の通貨発行は「又貸し」ではない。米山議員よりも信頼できそうなDeutsche Bundesbankの解説を参考にしてもらいたい。Book moneyが銀行預金のことである。0:42~の「預金口座からの現金引き出し/現金の預け入れではマネーの形態が変わるだけで新たに創られていない」も重要である。

The banks create new book money when they grant loans. For example, Mr Müller needs a loan to buy a car. He negotiates this with the bank's loan officer. The bank grants a loan to Mr Müller. The loan amount is credited to his account and his credit balance increases. The bank has created new book money. It did this without needing to raise any savings deposits first.

Mr Müller has to pay interest on the loan. The interest is the price of the loan. Mr Müller can now use this credit balance for payments. For example, he can make a bank transfer to pay for a car. The bank then transfers the credit balance from his account to the car seller's account. The book money "flows" from one account to the other, and Mr Müller gets the car.

The banks therefore create book money by granting loans.

There is also another way to create book money. A bank purchases assets – for example, shares, gold or property – from its customer, Ms Meier. The bank then credits Ms Maier's account with the purchase amount. This procedure can also work in reverse. The bank sells assets to Ms Maier and then withdraws the purchase amount from her credit balance as payment. This decreases the stock of book money. Book money is also "destroyed" each time when Mr Müller pays back an instalment of the loan.


