

The book also contends with the fact that this post-Protestant, North American cult has entirely come to fill the vacant spiritual space of the West.

"Woke"とは「目覚め」「覚醒」で、アメリカで繰り返されてきたキリスト教の「大覚醒」の現代版と言える。MATRIXでネオがred pillを飲んだ状態だと考えればよい。

The Woke are “awakened” to a new global vision of the world, very different from our own. It’s also reminiscent of the great American Protestant “awakenings” (revivals) of the 18th and 19th centuries. For the Woke, the equivalent of original sin is “white privilege;” but this is a sin for which there is no forgiveness. The idea is to radically separate the pure from the impure, condemned as “racist” or “transphobic.”


Gender theory posits that what distinguishes masculine from feminine is not the body, but our awareness of being male, female or whatever. This idea that the body is inessential is reminiscent of the Gnostic heresy, which explained that the body is the evil from which we must free ourselves.

アバターの性別を自由に決められるサイバー空間(imaginary world)が拡大したことが、性は生まれつき決まっているものではなく、自分で決めるもの、という異常な観念の広がりの一因になっている。

This imaginary world of gender is all the more appealing because it is completely in line with the metaverse proposed by big tech, where you can change your gender at the click of a button. The idea that it is possible to change one’s body at will also evokes transhumanist utopias. Big tech’s commitment to these transgender and transhumanist theories compounds the threat of this imaginary world.


“Ordinary people” are in the best position to oppose the wacky Woke. … They don’t live in the virtual world of connected “intellectual” elites. … A real “culture war” has begun on these issues, and will no doubt be at the heart of the next American presidential election.

"Logic is racist”がwokeの基本スタンスなので、信者との議論は成り立たず、説得(脱洗脳)はほぼ不可能。

The Woke are bigots. They refuse to debate their opponents, whom they see as evil. During the takeover of Evergreen University in 2017, one of the students ordered one of the professors to stop arguing because “logic is racist.”” Cancel culture” wants to ban anything in Western culture that doesn’t conform to Woke beliefs. The Woke are also highly proselytizing, now targeting primary and secondary schools.

“The ambiguous role of the academic world in its development makes scientific and rational criticism almost impossible. No argument has any effect on them. We can try to stop them but not convince them.”



“That would be possible if woke people were really disadvantaged. According to the woke narrative, the black lesbian professor at Harvard is oppressed by a white man living in a caravan. In reality, she is no victim but a privileged person. She lives among the elite and not in the real world. Woke comes from the elite, not from below. Not from the state but from powerful circles. Although even federal organisations like the CIA and FBI are now openly woke in their job advertisements.”


But Russians in the US are shocked by what they see around them, Dreher says. “In the Soviet Union, they had to believe things that were not true. Now they see that in the Western world. That reminds them of the totalitarian world.”


