



“There is such a misunderstanding about the fertility support policies in various regions, with too much focus on having a second and third child. But our most pressing problem now is that there are so few first children,” 
“[We] must have a clear understanding of the situation and make correct policy guidance,” he said, speaking at a CPPCC seminar on birth-support policies in mid-November, according to a meeting transcript released on December 31.


… getting married and having kids was no longer a priority for younger generations, and that the costs associated with having just one child are significant enough to determine whether parents decide to have more children.


She also said that the country should avoid indiscriminately doling out childcare subsidies, as doing so could raise the fertility rate among low-income groups but would have a limited impact on improving the lifelong fertility level among Chinese women.


Young Chinese women, especially members of Gen Z born from roughly 1995-2010, are increasingly seeking diversity and individuality in their lives. Marriage is no longer among their priorities, let alone childbearing.
For such policies to be effective at increasing the birth rate, they must make young women feel as though their rights and quality of life will be improved more by having children than by not having them,



