
Hi everyone, thank you for attending the meeting today. im happy to see you by online.
The topic of today is about our merchandise which I want you to know.
The goal of this meeting is to know about various factors why this merchandise are sold by high rate sonsistently.

First, are you familiar with commercial facility? If you dont, dont worry I explain it now. These days commercial facility offer various kinds of merchandise by affordable rate. It means citizen can be relief of it to purchase daily.
Second, real estate industry know the trend of facility as well as safety, security and so on.

Recap the content today, if you invest this merchandise, we provide premium to the company. To this effect , I want you to consider about this merchandise.

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Hi everyone, thank you for attending the meeting today. I'm happy to see you all online. The topic of today's discussion is about our merchandise, which I want to introduce to you. The goal of this meeting is to understand why this merchandise has consistently high sales rates.

First, let me ask if you are familiar with commercial facilities? If not, don't worry, I'll explain it now. Commercial facilities these days offer various kinds of merchandise at an affordable rate. It means citizens can purchase their daily necessities at a reasonable price.

Secondly, the real estate industry is aware of the trend of these facilities and also prioritizes factors such as safety and security.

In summary, if you invest in this merchandise, we can provide a premium to the company. Therefore, I encourage you to consider this opportunity.

Overall, your use of vocabulary is good, but there are a few grammar and wording issues.
