
Mad Money短信 2021/5/15

CNBCの投資情報番組 『Mad Money』。名物コメンテーター『ジムクレイマー』さんが番組で取り上げると、その後、取り上げられた株の株価が動くときがある?ため(筆者主観)、番組で取り上げられた銘柄の速報をこちらにアップしていきます




-ディズニーの決算は良かったがマーケットはネガティブリアクション。アナリストがDisney +の見通しをベースに強気ではない発言をしたから。だが、ディズニーはちょうど神様からマスクフリーテーマパークと言うプレゼントをもらった。自分はDISはPerfect Reopening Stockだと思うので、買い推奨。



Monday: Lordstown Motor, Fisker earnings
Lordstown Motor

Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 10 a.m.
Projected losses per share: 28 cents
Projected revenue: $0
“Lordstown’s a former market darling that was trading at $31 less than four months ago, but management had been excessively promotional when touting their preorder numbers,” Cramer said, “and since then the stock has plunged to $7.”

-Lordstown motorは4か月前まで31ドルで取引されていたのに、プリオーダーの数量公表の信頼性欠如により、株価は7ドルまで落ち込んだ


Q1 2021 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected losses per share: 19 cents
Projected revenue: $0
“I think they’ll have a better story to tell about their electric SUV, the Ocean, though I don’t know if it’s going to matter,” he said.

-Fisker他のEV銘柄同様に株価はやられているが、EV SUVのOceanについて良い話がでると思う。ただそれがどれくらい重要な話題かはわからないが。

Tuesday: Walmart, Home Depot, Macy’s, Take-Two Interactive earnings

Q1 2022 earnings release: 7 a.m.; conference call: 8 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.21
Projected revenue: $132.16 billion
“There’s been a lot of chatter that the company’s doing well, but e-commerce execution has fallen hopelessly behind Amazon,” Cramer said. “I’ve gotta tell you, I haven’t been able to confirm that grim outlook and I remain convinced that Walmart’s worth owning.”


Home Depot

Q1 2021 earnings release: 6 a.m.; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: $3.08
Projected revenue: $34.75 billion
“This may be the most successful do-it-yourself renovation and gardening season in ages,” he said. “Home Depot has a nasty habit of having its stock run into the quarter, so if it has a good day Monday, the stock might sell off after the quarter and that’s your chance to pounce.”

-自分のファンドでは保有していないが、それは間違いだという可能性が高い。今年は長年の間で最も成功するDIYリノベーション、ガーデニングのシーズンになるかもしれない。Home Depotは決算に向けてRunする傾向がある。月曜日に上がったら、決算後にSell offが起こる可能性がある。その時が良いエントリーのチャンスだ


Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 8 a.m.
Projected losses per share: 39 cents
Projected revenue: $4.36 billion
“I fear that much of whatever gain it might have has been stolen by today’s 14% advance,” Cramer said. “I expect still one more slightly better-than-expected set of numbers, with a positive undertone.”


Take-Two Interactive

Q4 2021 earnings release: after market; conference call: 4:30 p.m.
Projected EPS: 68 cents
Projected revenue: $661 million
“The stock’s fallen nearly 50 points from where it was trading just before it reported a pretty good quarter last time. I think it can run here,” the host said.


Wednesday: Lowe’s, Target, TJX, Analog Devices, Cisco earnings

Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: $2.60
Projected revenue: $23.73 billion
“I think a rejuvenated Lowe’s, under the leadership of [CEO] Marvin Ellison, is taking share from Home Depot,” Cramer said.

-自分はMarvin Ellison CEOの下で若返ったLowe'sはHome Depotからシェアを奪うと考えている


Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 8 a.m.
Projected EPS: $2.18
Projected revenue: $21.61 billion
“Target can’t stop putting up good numbers after reasserting itself as the dominant fun discounter,” he said.



Q1 2022 earnings release: 9:30 a.m.; conference call: 11 a.m.
Projected EPS: 30 cents
Projected revenue: $8.59 billion
“TJX quietly makes great money and this time should be no different,” the host said.


Analog Devices

Q2 2021 earnings release: 7 a.m.; conference call: 10 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.45
Projected revenue: $1.61 billion

Q3 2021 earnings release: after market; conference call: 4:30 p.m.
Projected EPS: 82 cents
Projected revenue: $12.57 billion
“I think they’ll both make us feel real good about the business,” Cramer said. “I expect a very positive outlook.”

-Analog devicesもシスコもどちらも我々を良い気分にさせてくれるだろう。とてもよい見通しを期待している。

Thursday: Kohl’s, Ralph Lauren, Petco, Hormel, Applied Materials, Palo Alto Networks earnings

Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: 8 cents
Projected revenue: $3.35 billion
“It’s too daunting after that huge rally,” Cramer said. “I’ve been not the best on Kohl’s. … Suffice it to say that other people know Kohl’s better than I do.”


Ralph Lauren

Q4 2021 earnings release: 8 a.m.; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected losses per share: 72 cents
Projected revenue: $1.21 billion
“Ralph Lauren’s going more youthful and upscale,” he said. “It’s a good move, and I predict upgrades into the quarter.”

-Ralph Laurenはより若く高級になった。これは良い動き。アナリスト評価のUpgradeを予測する


Q1 2021 earnings release: 7:15 a.m.; conference call: 8:30 a.m.
Projected losses per share: 9 cents
Projected revenue: $1.27 billion
“I think they’ll be able to capitalize on the pandemic pet boom,” the host said. “The stock jumped nearly 9% today, so it could, again, get away before the quarter.”


Hormel Foods

Q2 2021 earnings release: before market.; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: 41 cents
Projected revenue: $2.42 billion
“They recently bought one of the most undermanned, underspent brands in the history of the supermarket, Planters nuts, and I bet they tell a great story about how the acquisition’s already paying off,” he said.

-この会社は最近Planter nutsを買収。この買収が既にPay offしていることを説明してくれると思う。

Applied Materials

Q2 2021 earnings release: after market; conference call: 4:30 p.m.
Projected EPS: $1.51
Projected revenue: $5.4 billion
“They’ll have to deal with analyst hecklers tearing apart every sentence, if not every word, because of a sudden plunge in some of those semiconductors,” Cramer said. “I think that’s a total exaggeration, but it won’t stop the analysts from being skeptical.”


Palo Alto Networks

Q3 2021 earnings release: after market; conference call: 5 p.m.
Projected EPS: $1.29
Projected revenue: $1.06 billion
“Who doesn’t want a cyber-security play when a bunch of hackers just shut off the supply of gasoline to the east coast? I bet they have excellent numbers,” he said.


Friday: Deere, VF Corp, Foot Locker earnings

Q2 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 10 a.m.
Projected EPS: $4.51
Projected revenue: $10.57 billion
“It will be a blowout. It’ll be an upside surprise,” Cramer said, “unless the grain complex collapses beforehand ... so be sensitive to the commodity chatter, but understand that we’re looking at the strongest agriculture cycle in a decade.”


VF Corp

Q4 2021 earnings release: 6:55 a.m.; conference call: 8:30 a.m.
Projected EPS: 28 cents
Projected revenue: $2.51 billion
“This apparel company’s been inconsistent and the stock will be hostage to Kohl’s and Target,” he said.


Foot Locker

Q1 2021 earnings release: before market; conference call: 9 a.m.
Projected EPS: $1.07
Projected revenue: $1.86 billion
“I think it could have a gap up before getting hit with concerns that there’s just been too much of a good thing and not enough woe, so it’s time to go,” the host said.

いいことがありすぎて、よりよいニュースが無くなったら、投資家が離れる、という現象を迎える懸念がある。だがその前にGap upがあるかもしれない。

来週は消費者のSpendingを占う週。Home, outside, mallなど。どのRetailerに賭けるか決める前に、それらの銘柄がどのくらいラリーしてきたかを見る必要がある。いくつかは上がりすぎているし、いくつかはまだ上昇キャッチアップする余地があるからだ。







Lighting Round

Rada Electronic: “A highly valued Israeli weapons company and I shoot back and say Raytheon Technologies, a less expensive one with a lot of diversification and better growth power.”


Vontier: “Good business.”


Zynga: “It’s finally the right time to buy Zynga. Your wife’s right. I think you should pick up some Zynga. I can’t believe I just said that myself, but it’s absolutely true. I think that that is a decent situation.”


Hyatt Hotels: “It’s OK. It’s not great, and I’m not sure I want Marriott anymore ... because I thought that [CEO Brian] Chesky did such a good job on the Airbnb call and you know what the only weak point was international, and the international’s going to come back when the rest of the world settles this Covid situation. So I am telling you right here right now that I think that you should buy Airbnb.”


Sports Entertainment Acquisition Corp: “I think that stock at $10 is a buy, buy, buy.”


Boot Barn: “I have taught endlessly that Boot Barn is in an underpenetrated market.”











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・筆者は、Native Speakerでないため、誤訳されている可能性もございます。ご容赦ください。


