
#2 I Helped my Daughter Cook Scotch Eggs: Maico's Little Random Talks in Japanese

Here's the video for this topic: https://youtu.be/dIS4Ci1Epsg

Hello there! みなさん、こんにちは。Maicoです。
今日きょうは「Maicoのちょっとしたはなし Part2」ということで、前回ぜんかいつづき、ゆる〜くはなしていきたいとおもいます。
Hello there! Maico here.
Today, I'd like to talk casually as before, in "Maico's little random talks Part 2".

So, as the title says, I'll talk about it while showing you a video of when I helped my middle school daughter cook Scotch eggs for the first time.

First, I arranged the ingredients like they do on cooking shows and recorded a video. Doesn't this kind of thing get you a little excited? Haha.

The ingredients include eggs, rock salt, mustard, ketchup, garlic, flour, and breadcrumbs. The yellow thing on the bottom left is a beaten egg. We'll use it for the batter.

I really like the sound of this because it's somewhat ASMR-like.
We're going to boil the eggs. so we need to bring the water to a boil.

The recipe calls for adding rock salt to achieve a semi-mature consistency with the eggs. it says the minerals in the rock salt make the egg whites solidify faster, resulting in a semi-mature yolk before it gets fully heated.

However, we had a bit of trouble grinding the amount of rock salt specified in the recipe.
Now that the water is boiling, we'll add the eggs.

わたしゆびは、ふとさが指先ゆびさきまでおなじ、というか指先ゆびさきまるくてカエルちゃんみたいなゆびなので、今回こんかい出演しゅつえん見送みおくらせていただきました 笑笑
むすめ旦那だんなさんのてくれて、よかったです 笑笑
By the way, all the hands in the video belong to my daughter.
My fingers are all the same thickness, extending to the fingertips, or rather, my fingertips are round and look like little frogs. That's why I decided not to appear in this video, haha.
My thumb joint is also thick, so when I go bowling, the only balls with thumb holes are heavy ones, making it challenging to throw them.
I'm glad my daughter's hands take after my husband's hands lol

The steam was hot, so my daughter dropped the eggs from a height, and a couple of eggshells cracked.
The eggs should be boiled for 6 minutes.
We want to make scotch eggs with semi-cooked, runny yolks.
According to the recipe, the key to keeping them semi-cooked until you're ready to eat is to make sure they stay cool after boiling.

First, I transferred the boiled eggs to a bowl filled with ice-cold water, and cooling them down is a crucial step. However, during the winter, I hadn't refilled the water in the automatic ice maker of my fridge, so there was no ice available!
So, in a panic, we took out some ice packs from the freezer and used them to cool the eggs.

わたしたち親子おやこ、わりと事前調査じぜんちょうさなし、ぶっつけ本番ほんばんなにかしはじめるタイプなので、こういうハプニング、けっこうおおいんですよね 笑笑
We are the type of parents and kids who tend to dive into things without much prior research, so these kinds of unexpected situations happen quite often, haha.
We might get a bit nervous then, but we figure it out by brainstorming and using our wits.

If you think it's a failure, then it is a failure, but I believe that making efforts to devise ways and reach a satisfactory goal without giving up is a very important thing in life.

We can learn from what we should be careful about next time, and the time we spend together trying to figure things out can become a really funny and enjoyable memory when we look back on it later.

みなさん、あたらしいことをするときには、事前準備じぜんじゅんびをすることを、つよくおすすめします 笑笑
Well, I know it sounds like a great story when I say it in a cool way like I just did, but…
Everyone, I strongly recommend doing some preparation before trying anything new lol

By the way, I've noticed that I've been making you watch my daughter peel the shells off boiled eggs for a while now, but…

Isn't it difficult to peel boiled egg shells cleanly? What? Am I the only one who finds it challenging?
Usually, I can peel them nicely by quickly cooling the eggs in water and then gently cracking the shells into small pieces, but sometimes, the membrane sticks to the egg white, or the egg white gets accidentally broken while cracking the shell.
So, peeling eggshells is actually one of my least favorite tasks. However, my daughter is very skilled at it, and she was able to finish peeling them cleanly.

Now, let's move on to making the meat mixture that will be wrapped around the egg. She's currently grating garlic for it.

たまご6個分ろっこぶんにくぜる調味料ちょうみりょうは、しお さじあらきこしょう 少々しょうしょう、ケチャップ おおさじ、マスタード さじ、にんにくのすりおろし さじです。
The seasonings added to the beef ground with pork for 6 eggs are 2 teaspoons of salt, a pinch of coarsely ground pepper, 2 tablespoons of ketchup, 2 teaspoons of mustard, and 2 teaspoons of grated garlic.

ここだけのはなしですが、このとき、おにくかたりなかったみたいで、べたときすこあじにムラがありました 笑笑
We'll knead and mix them well.
Just between you and me, it seems like we didn't mix the meat thoroughly enough at that time, so there were some uneven flavors when we ate it.
The next time I make new ones, I'll try to do it a little better.
Hmm? I wonder if there will be a next time...

To make sure that the meat mixture adheres well to the eggs, sprinkle them with flour. It's important to distribute the flour evenly. Additionally, handling the really soft semi-cooked eggs with delicacy and care is crucial.

I missed capturing this moment in a video, but here is where the kneaded meat mixture was divided into six equal portions.
Roll each portion into a ball.
Flatten the rounded meat thinly on the plastic wrap, one at a time.

The reason why my daughter keeps holding the egg in her left hand is that she made a little mistake while peeling the shell, and the white broke through the shell. If she leaves it in place, the yolk is likely to spill out.

Let's put that aside and continue by wrapping the meat around the neatly peeled egg. Speaking of wrapping meat around eggs, I've actually made a dish called "Meat-wrapped eggs" before.
It involves wrapping a pork loin around a half-boiled egg, dusting it with flour, and broiling it with a sauce made of sugar, sweet sake, and soy sauce. It turned out to be quite tasty.

So, getting back to the topic of Scotch eggs, the key to making them turn out really well is to keep the eggs chilled thoroughly. That's why I kept the ground meat in the fridge until I was ready to start making the meat mixture.
After we finished wrapping all six eggs, we put them back in the fridge to chill. It's important to keep them thoroughly cold!

Now, we'll get ready to deep fry them by heating oil on the fire.
We'll take the eggs wrapped in meat out of the fridge one by one and coat them with the batter.
Dip them in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs in order, and that becomes the batter.
However, this process can be quite a hassle when making fried food.

Such as when making pork fillet cutlets, I put flour and breadcrumbs into a plastic bag each, put some of the meat into the bag together, and shake the bag.
This saves time and the flour doesn't scatter. However, this time the boiled eggs were very soft and tender, putting them in the bags and shaking them was not an option.
So, one by one, I carefully and meticulously battered them.

It would have been easier if we had hard-boiled the eggs, but we wanted them to be semi-mature, so we had no choice.

Now that we've finished battering one, let's go ahead and fry it up.
The crackling and sizzling sound of the oil is so appetizing, isn't it?
It's such a comforting sound.

Yes! We're finally done! It's taken quite a while!
We made scotch eggs using half-boiled eggs, which was our hope.
I believe we made it!

Okay! So, this was the video where I explained the food while watching the video of us making the food, and where I talked about it while explaining it. How was it?
I tried to speak naturally, but since the content was mainly explanations of food, I think my tone was a bit stilted or more explanatory than normal.
Having said that, I hope it helps your listening practice at least a little.

Well, I'll try to record another talk video next time, if I have some good m, good ideas to talk about.
So, that's it for this time.
Oh, I have also transcribed the content of the talk, both in English and Japanese, and posted it on a website called "note".
The link is in the description of the video, so go jump to the link from there.
The transcription is quite long, so I recommend you listen and read it little by little.
Well, that's it for today. Thanks for listening. See you later!
