




Which of the following questions should be included in the pre-screening for a contrast CT exam on a 35 year old female?

❎ Diabetic?

❎ Chance of pregnancy?

❎ Allergies?

⭕️ All of the Above


State law requires patients to sign consent forms in the following situations:

❎ Prior to any injection of contrast materials

❎ Prior to sedation for surgical procedures

❎ Prior to hospital admission

⭕️ Signed consent forms are not required by law in all states


Thorough patient preparation and education prior to a CT scan will do which of the following?

❎ Reduce repeat radiation exposure

❎ Reduce patient anxiety

⭕️ All of the above

❎ Ensure best possible images


What laboratory test(s) should be performed prior to CT exams that require IV contrast media injections to determine renal function?

❎ Liver enzymes

❎ Platelet Count and Complete Blood Count (CBC)

❎ Prothrombin Time (PT)

⭕️ Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine


What is considered a normal range for Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)?

⭕️ 5-25 mg/dl

❎ 155-190 mg/dl

❎ 0.6-1.7 mg/dl

❎ 30-55 mg/dl


Which CT Procedure requires Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) laboratory results prior to starting the procedure?

❎ CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast

❎ CTA PE chest

⭕️ CT guided liver biopsy

❎ CT soft tissue neck with IV contrast


What method must be utilized for all peripheral venipuncture procedures to reduce the risk of microbial contamination and infection?

❎ Hand washing

❎ Wearing sterile gloves

⭕️ Aseptic technique

❎ Proper patient identification


Peripheral IV access for an optimal CT Angiogram study should meet which criteria:

⭕️ 20 gauge minimum needle size

❎ Located in the distal extremity

❎ Arterial access must be obtained

❎ Must have mid-line access

