How US courts have failed me

Ongoing Crimes Against Me,
Committed by the United State’s Regressive and Imperial Trend of Political Entertainers

  • global medical sabotage which personally affected my family

  • theft by medical companies of millions of dollars in family medical bonds (JNJ), embezzlement and laundering of Certificates of Deposit as “CD records” by the entertainment industry, insider trading/money laundering/unaccounted cryptocurrency trading concurrent with mass shootings by Charles Schwab which deprived my of personal emergency funds

  • multiple counts of slave ownership, complicity in enslaving free citizens of the United States of America, and trafficking of humans labeled for slavery

  • multiple assassinations of family members and friends based on incorrect information from fraudulent informants often working in both entertainment and politics

  • physical torture

  • scientifically unprecedented psychological torture targeting medical conditions and childhood memories

  • years of sexual torture, government seduction, and homosexual/transsexual conversion efforts 

  • wiretapping, mistranslation, and other communications service hacking -- including medical services described as internally secure -- intended to distort my perception of reality as much as possible for commercial purposes

  • illegal medical experimentation and torture

  • forced confession

  • numerous other human rights violations, categorizable as hate crimes committed against me in various ways 

  • every member of my immediate family had their identities stolen

  • repeated use of cancer-causing agents and nerve agents in biowarfare against my family, civilians, and government whistleblowers 

  • repeated manipulation and violations of courtroom processes, including pre-selecting judges and public attorneys, who provided inaccurate and out-of-order personal information to the courts in the hospital to sabotage my case and well-being

  • ignoring multiple articles of the United States Constitution as they were intended to be read, to justify and commit crimes in the USA

  • social isolation by murdering everyone I ever loved and imprisoning me and cutting off all forms of communication

  • using me as a human shield to protect obviously guilty parties

  • refusal to prosecute the guilty

  • operating illegal and inhumane kangaroo courts

  • using false accusations of complicity in murder, with no evidence or due cause, in order to intentionally and methodically psychologically torture me over dead friends, without providing a complete story, creating additional distress in a situation where I am already unable to access adequate medical care

  • illegal and false imprisonment due to hateful racial profiling, use of hospitals as undeclared wartime prisons, use of neurotoxins and nerve agents to test a classified invisible chemical prison

  • failure to guarantee the safety of other investigators and politicians and entertainers, who keep suspiciously dying -- now all I do is make warnings, and still they can't fix this -- so they blame me for what are obviously their own mistakes 

  • failure as a nation to communicate any of this to international war courts, instead concealing and delaying alarm for years

What my malignantly retarded American lawyers are investigating 

a list of bad ideas

  • whose copy of Myst is this? there's too many editions

  • Google how to finger a housecat

  • who's stupid now?

  • help is F1, who can I fuck up there?

  • we can't all be this retarded, right?

  • what does salt do?

  • how to say asia in asian

  • “don't blame me, it's all his fault”

  • remote control monster trucks

  • how to fix a bike

  • methods for rigging courtroom processes for lawyers

  • what a block and tackle does on land versus at sea

  • how to be less useful

  • network security vulnerabilities

