
Canceled for Questioning the Story on ‘Comfort Women’

Two professors argue based on documentary evidence that the Japanese did not forcibly conscript Korean women to be prostitutes.


ヘレン・アンドリュース(編集者・作家) https://x.com/herandrews?s=21&t=KvJidswjQhMAFZNvnQGsBg

元サイト(the American Conservatives)

これは2023年に発売された、ハーバード大のマーク・ラムゼイヤー教授と麗澤大学のジェイソン・モーガン教授の共著「Hoax of Comfort Women (慰安婦のデマ)」への書評です。

There are two separate stories in The Comfort Women Hoax: A Fake Memoir, North Korean Spies, and Hit Squads in the Academic Swamp by J. Mark Ramseyer of Harvard Law School and Jason M. Morgan of Reitaku University in Japan. The first is the historical question of what exactly happened to the Korean women who worked in the brothels of the Japanese military in Asia in the 1930s and ’40s. The second is the contemporary saga of two scholars (one of whom sometimes writes for The American Conservative) who attempted to follow the facts in answering that question and found themselves on the wrong side of a politically correct mob.


If you pick up an American textbook, its description of “comfort women” is likely to go something like this (from Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past by Herbert Ziegler and Jerry Bentley, published by McGraw-Hill):


The Japanese army forcibly recruited, conscripted, and dragooned as many as 200,000 women age 14 to 20 to serve in military brothels, called “comfort houses” or “consolation centers.” The army presented the women to the troops as a gift from the emperor, and the women came from Japanese colonies…and from occupied territories…in southeast Asia. The majority of the women came from Korea and China. Once forced into this imperial prostitution service, the “comfort women” catered to between twenty and thirty men each day. Stationed in war zones, the women often confronted the same risks as soldiers, and many became casualties of war. Others were killed by Japanese soldiers, especially if they tried to escape or contracted venereal diseases. At the end of the war, soldiers massacred large numbers of comfort women to cover up the operation.

日本軍は「慰安所」や「慰安センター」と呼ばれる軍の売春宿で奉仕させるために、14歳から20歳までの20万人もの女性を強制的に募集し、徴用し、強制連行した。軍隊は天皇からの贈り物として女性たちを軍隊に贈った。女性たちは東南アジアの日本の植民地や占領地から連れてこられた。女性の大半は朝鮮と中国から来た。「慰安婦」たちは、この日帝の売春奉仕を強制され、毎日20人から30人の男性に仕えた。戦地に駐留していた彼女たちは、兵士と同じ危険に直面し多くが戦死した。また、逃げようとしたり性病にかかったりすると、日本兵に殺される者もいた。戦争が終わると、兵士たちは作戦を隠蔽するために大量の慰安婦を虐殺した。  (引用ここまで)

Ramseyer and Morgan argue that almost everything in this paragraph is false. The plurality of comfort women were Japanese, not Korean or Chinese. Most comfort women were in their late teens or early 20s. The total number was more likely 20,000. The average duration of a contract was two years, with many women released early because they had earned back their advance after only one and a half years. No evidence of any massacre has ever been found; the story originated with Japanese politician Seijuro Arafune, who was notorious for wild hyperbole.


Most  controversially, they assert that the Japanese military did not forcibly conscript women to work as prostitutes. “Some of the comfort women had been sold into this prostitution by abusive parents. Some had been defrauded by dishonest private recruiters,” Ramseyer and Morgan admit. “But many—probably most—were desperately poor women who deliberately chose to sell sex for the money. They worked in a wretched job, but they were not ‘sex slaves. They were not ‘gang-raped.’ They were not conscripted into the job at bayonet-point.”


To support their version of history, Ramseyer and Morgan have a great deal of evidence: newspaper advertisements for comfort women positions; boilerplate employment contracts for brothels; diaries of brothel employees who worked side-by-side with comfort women; regulations specifying “working hours, days off, terms of employment, and conditions of travel to and from the comfort station.”


They also appeal to common sense. Comfort women received upfront cash payments of 500 to 1,000 yen at a time when the average salary for a Japanese army sergeant was 30 yen per month. With that kind of money to be made, and few other opportunities available, surely there would have been enough poor women willing to undertake such contracts without the need to resort to kidnapping.


The alternative view—that Japan systematically dragooned young girls through violence and deception—came out of nowhere in 1983 in the fabricated memoir of a Japanese communist calling himself Yoshida Seiji, who claimed to have personally “hunted” comfort women in Korea. Ramseyer and Morgan call Yoshida “a compulsive liar” and his memoir a “hoax.” Yoshida admitted before his death in 2000 that much of it was made up. Even the left-leaning Asahi Shimbun, which publicized Yoshida’s claims extensively in the 1980s, admitted in 2014 that his story was “fraudulent” and retracted the articles.

日本が暴力と欺瞞によって組織的に少女を強制連行したという別の見解は、1983年、吉田清治と名乗る日本の共産主義者の捏造による手記で突如現れた。彼は日本軍は朝鮮半島で慰安婦を「狩った」と個人的に主張した。ラムゼイヤーとモーガン両氏は、吉田を 「強迫的な嘘つき」と呼び、彼の手記を 「デマ」と呼んだ。実際吉田は2000年に亡くなる前に、その多くが作り話であることを認めている。1980年代に吉田の主張を大々的に報じた左寄りの朝日新聞でさえ、2014年に彼の話が「偽り」であることを認め、記事を撤回した。

Yet by then the story had been laundered into the public record through republication in human rights reports by the United Nations and Amnesty International. In 1993, the Japanese government issued the Kono Statement in a vain effort to bring a close to the controversy, stating that comfort women had been recruited “against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, etc.”


In the early 1990s, several former comfort women came forward to sue the Japanese government for compensation. An organization called the Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery (recently renamed the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance) quickly stepped in to lead this movement. It promoted the small number of women who claimed to have been forcibly abducted and attacked and intimidated those who deviated from the maximalist line. The Korean Council today funds comfort women memorial statues around the world and organizes a weekly protest outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul. It also controls the nursing home where many of these former comfort women reside.


When Korean scholar Park Yu-ha visited this nursing home in 2003, she wrote, “I could sense that women were not happy being confined in this place. One of the women (Bae Chun-hee) told me she reminisced [about] the romance she had with a Japanese soldier. She said she hated her father who sold her. She also told me that women there didn’t appreciate being coached by [the Korean Council] to give false testimonies but had to obey [the Council’s] order.”


The Council also has leverage over these women through the welfare payments that were offered to former comfort women in exchange for refusing the Japanese government’s financial compensation in 1995. According to the Korean-American scholar C. Sarah Soh, many former comfort women “have firmly refused to be further interviewed...out of fear of making ‘speech errors’ that might lead to the cancellation of their registration and hence the cessation of their welfare support money.”

挺対連はまた、1995年に日本政府の経済補償を拒否し、代わりに元慰安婦に生活保護費を提供させることを通して彼女たちを思いのまま制御した。韓国系アメリカ人の学者、C.サラ・ソーによれば、多くの元慰安婦は「登録の取り消し、ひいては生活保護費の支給停止につながるかもしれない 「失言」を犯すことを恐れて、これ以上の聞き取り調査を断固として拒否している」のだという。

One former comfort woman, who for decades was the Korean Council’s star witness, was Lee Yong-soo. Her story has varied considerably over the years, not just in small details like her age (variously 14, 15, or 16) but in whether she was enticed willingly by a man who offered her a red dress and leather shoes or “taken away at age 14 at the point of a sword” as she claimed in front of the Japanese Diet in 2002. Recently Lee has broken with the Korean Council, accusing its leaders of financial malfeasance and saying she had been “used” and “deceived.” In response, the Council has pointed to the inconsistencies in Lee’s story, hinting that it was fabricated.


Yoon Mee-hyang, longtime head of the Korean Council, was convicted of embezzling money from the group in 2023. Far more importantly, she has extensive ties to North Korea. “The very year that she joined the Council’s leadership, South Korean police arrested her husband, Kim Sam-seok, and his younger sister for spying for the North,” Ramseyer and Morgan write. “The two had gone to Japan, met with a North Korean agent, passed documents, and received money.” The younger sister’s husband was also later sent to prison for spying.


This is the key to the puzzle that will make the story fall into place for American readers, who no doubt wonder why so many people would go to such lengths to police history if not out of concern for the truth. Their goal is to drive a wedge between Japan and South Korea and to prevent South Korea from tilting decisively toward the U.S. and Japan and away from North Korea and China. It’s not culture war. It’s geopolitics.


In 2020, Ramseyer published “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics, in which he made many of the arguments summarized above. The consequences were swift and severe. Within months, he had been denounced by many of his Harvard colleagues, attacked in the pages of the New Yorker, and even called in by the executive committee of his Mennonite congregation to explain himself, after which “the council made it clear that [he] was no longer welcome at the church.”

2020年、ラムゼイヤー博士は『International Review of Law and Economics』誌に「Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War(太平洋戦争における性の契約)」を発表し、その中で上記のような多くの議論を展開した。結果は迅速かつ深刻だった。数カ月も経たないうちに、彼はハーバード大学の多くの同僚から糾弾され、『ニューヨーカー』の紙面で攻撃され、さらにはメノナイト宗派の執行委員会から釈明を求められたのだ。

Morgan’s cancellation occurred a few years earlier, when he was only a graduate student. In 2015, he wrote a letter to the newsletter of the American Historical Association suggesting that Americans should take more seriously the work done by Japanese scholars casting doubt on the comfort women’s more extreme claims. Shortly after, his PhD adviser dropped him with no explanation. Her replacement later turned out to be sabotaging Morgan’s career by writing in her recommendation letters that Morgan had “became known on both sides of the Pacific” for “supporting Prime Minister Abe’s whitewashing of Japan’s wartime past.” Morgan only became aware of this when a copy of her letter was returned to him by mistake. In person, she had been all sunshine and encouragement.


In 2018, Morgan’s translation of the book Comfort Women and Sex in the Battle Zoneby Japanese scholar Ikuhiko Hata was published by an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield. As was customary, news of its publication was announced by his department on its social media. Those posts were taken down after a university administrator wrote an email (which Morgan later FOIA’d) asking if the announcement was “problematic.” His adviser—the recommendation letter saboteur—replied: “I was shocked to see it on Facebook. Please take it down.”

2018年、モーガン氏が翻訳した日本人学者・秦郁彦の著書『慰安婦と戦場の性』が、ローマン&リトルフィールド社から出版された。慣例として、出版のニュースは彼の所属する学部がソーシャルメディア上で発表した。その投稿について大学管理者が "問題あり"かどうかを尋ねるメールを書いた後に削除されたと、後にモーガン氏が情報公開した。推薦状の妨害者であるアドバイザーはこう答えた:「フェイスブックで見てショックを受けました。削除してください。」

These cancellations, bad as they are, are nothing compared to what scholars face in South Korea, where professors have gone to prison for dissent on this issue. In 2017, physics professor Song Dae-yup stated in his classroom that comfort women “probably had a clear idea what they had to do.” He was prosecuted for the “serious crime of spreading false information and defaming the comfort women” and sentenced to six months in jail. Lew Seok-Choon, a professor of sociology, was prosecuted for defamationfor calling comfort women’s work “a form of prostitution.” He was only cleared after a long legal battle in January 2024.

韓国ではこの問題に異論を唱えた教授が投獄されたこともある。2017年、物理学の宋教授は教室で、慰安婦は「おそらく何をしなければならないか明確な考えを持っていた」と述べた。すると彼は 「虚偽の情報を広め、慰安婦を中傷した重大な罪」で起訴され、6カ月の実刑判決を受けた。また、ルー・ソクチュン社会学教授は、慰安婦の仕事を「売春の一形態」と呼んだとして名誉毀損で起訴された。彼は長い法廷闘争の末、2024年1月に冤罪を晴らした。

Here in the U.S., where the law is less friendly to defamation suits, cancellation is accomplished through social and professional pressure. Ramseyer and Morgan cite many statements from their cancellers. Several themes recur, which fit the broader pattern of recent academic cancellations.


First, dissent is connected to a broader atmosphere of hate, in this case anti-Asian hate. The Korean Studies committee of the Association for Asian Studies, in its letter denouncing Ramseyer, linked his article to the 2021 Atlanta spa murders. One female professor wrote in a peer-reviewed journal that Ramseyer’s “worldview is racially essentialist, revanchist, and history-denying, resonant with similar movements around the world such as Trumpism, LePenism, Modi-ism, and so on.”


Second, ideological criticism is camouflaged in complaints about professional standards. One of the earliest attacks on Ramseyer was that of his Harvard colleagues Andrew Gordon and Carter Eckert, which accused Ramseyer of an “egregious violation of academic integrity” because he did not consult or cite any contracts between comfort women and brothels. Ramseyer admits this, saying that as far as he knows no such contracts have survived. However, there are many sources that refer to contracts—contrary to Jeannie Suk Gersen’s claim in the New Yorker that Ramseyer cited no “secondary sources detailing those contracts, nor even any third-party accounts that confirm the relevant terms.” Those secondary and tertiary sources are listed in an appendix to Comfort Women Hoax. Nevertheless, the “Ramseyer-has-no-contracts line,” as he calls it, became a way for his cancellers to claim to be concerned only about academic standards.


Finally, it’s hard not to notice that, especially on social media, many of the cancellers use a tone that is adolescent and vulgar. “Are you for real...?” “I’ve enjoyed watching him be owned by my colleagues who actually Do the F-ing Work rather than standing at the sidelines bleating about procedural liberalism.” “Perhaps you could do some homework and, like, familiarize yourself with the scholarship I do.” “take your suggestion and f*ck all the way off.”      If I were posing as a guardian of academic rigor, I would try harder to sound like an adult and not a high-school mean girl.
