



a the series of processes and organizations involved in producing and  transporting products to where they are used or purchased


to change something so that it is the opposite of what it was before

Appeal(n) =懇願する、アピールする
(of a person) honest and direct

to be attractive, interesting or desirable

an increase in the prices of goods and services in a particular country that makes its currency less valuable

Supply chain(n)=サプライチェーン、供給連鎖
to become smaller in size, amount, etc.


Paying More for Less: What is 'Shrinkflation?'

From toilet paper to yogurt and coffee, manufacturers are shrinking package sizes without lowering prices. This is called "shrinkflation," and it's happening all over the world.
In the US, for example, a small box of Kleenex now has 60 tissues; a few months ago, it had 65. In the UK, Nestle reduced its Nescafe Azera Americano coffee tins from 100 grams to 90 grams. In India, a bar of Vim soap has shrunk from 155 grams to 135 grams.

たとえば、アメリカでは今クリネックスは60セットだけど、1カ月前には65セットあった。イギリスでは、ネスカフェのコーヒーを100gから90gにした。インドのa bar of Vim soapは、155gだった石鹸を135gまで引き下げた。


Shrinkflation isn't new. But it increases in times of high inflation as companies struggle with rising costs for materials, packaging, labor and transportation.
Global consumer price inflation was up an estimated 7% in May, a rate that will likely continue until September, according to S&P Global.

consumer price=消費者価格

シュリンクフレーションは新しいものではない。 しかし、企業が材料、梱包、労働、輸送のコストの上昇に苦しんでいるため、高インフレの時期には増加する。

Shrinkflation isn't new. But it increases in times of high inflation as companies struggle with rising costs for materials, packaging, labor and transportation.

シュリンクフレーションは今ではない/しかし/それは増加する/ in times of=時々/high inflation=高インフレ/企業が苦労しているため/コストの上昇/原料の上昇/梱包、労働、輸送/


Edgar Dworsky, who documents shrinkflation on his Consumer World website, said shrinkflation appeals to manufacturers because they know customers will notice price increases but not changes in weight or small details.

Companies also do things that draw attention away from the size reduction, like putting bright new labels on smaller packages.
Some companies are straightforward about the changes. In Japan, snack company Calbee Inc. announced 10% weight reductions — and 10% price increases — for many of its products. The company blamed a sharp rise in the cost of materials.


消費者世界のウェブサイトでシュリンクフレーションを記録しているエドガー・ドワースキー氏は「シュリンクフレーションは、顧客が価格の上昇に気付くが、重量や細部の変化には気付かないことを知っているため、メーカーにアピールする」と述べている。 小さなパッケージの新しいラベル。一部の企業は変更について率直。 日本では、スナック会社のCalbee Inc.が、多くの製品で10%の軽量化と10%の値上げを発表した。 同社は材料費の高騰を非難した。

In India, "down-switching" — another word for shrinkflation — is mostly done in rural areas, where people are poorer, said Byas Anand, who works for Dabur India, a consumer care and food business. In cities, companies simply increase the prices.
Sometimes the trend can reverse. As inflation decreases, manufacturers might lower their prices because of competition. But Dworsky says once a product has gotten smaller, it often stays that way, and "upsizing" is rare.
Hitendra Chaturvedi, a professor of supply chain management at Arizona State University's WP Carey School of Business, said he has no doubt many companies are struggling with labor shortages and higher material costs. But in some cases, companies' profits are also increasing massively, which he said is troubling.


shrinkflation=ʃríŋkfléiʃən  ×shion
7% in May=はっきりクリアに発音すること
Appeal=əpíːl イーの発音に注意


