
滋賀医大 2024 英語 大問3(和文英訳) 解答例


Inspiration does not solely belong to poets. In the past, some people could feel the signs of inspiration, and some people can do so even today. Such people will continue to do the same in the future. Anyone who intentionally chooses their work and does it with imagination can sense the onset of inspiration. 
Such work can become an adventure that never ends, as long as you notice that there is always a new task to work on right in front of you.
When you are in the maze of “I do not know”, inspiration, whatever it may be, knocks at the door in front of you.

「特権」は英作文で直訳しちゃいけない単語ナンバーワンですね(高確率でprivilege をスペルミスするから)。
後半も言い換えて、平易な表現に逃げています。maze やonset は難しいかも。

Inspiration isn't just for poets. There have been people who could feel the prelude to inspiration in the past, and there are those who can feel it now. These individuals will likely continue this in the future. Anyone who consciously chooses their work and carries it out with creativity can experience the beginnings of inspiration.
Such work can turn into a never-ending journey, as long as you acknowledge that there's always a new challenge right before you.
Inspiration emerges from the constant state of not knowing, regardless of what it truly is.


Inspiration is not a privilege reserved for poets. There are and always have been certain types of people who can feel the onset of inspiration, and such people will continue to exist in the future. Anyone who consciously chooses their work and carries it out with imagination can experience this.
Such work can become an unending adventure, as long as one realizes that there is always a new challenge present.
Inspiration arises from the constant state of "I do not know," whatever it may actually be.

