
【私の子供への金銭教育のBibleになる予感】西野亮廣さんの「夢と金」を読んだ感想(後半に英訳を掲載しました):【Bible for Money Education to my children】Impressions and Comments after reading Akihiro Nishino's "Dream and Money"









第1章: 富裕層の生態系

第2章: コミュニティ

第3章: NFT





















































このNFTというのは、「Non Fungible Token」という小難しく意味が分かりづらい英文の略称なのですが、イメージ的には「このデジタルデータの所有者はあなたのものですよ」という証明書のようなものです。

例えば、不動産で言えば、土地や建物の持ち主は、「不動産登記」というものを見れば、誰が所有者か分かりますが、これは実際に土地や建物というリアルなものが存在していて、それに対する所有者を明確にするものになります。このNFTというものは、実際にはバーチャルにしか存在しない “デジタル”の世界でも所有権を明確にすることができるようにしたものです。
















【Bible for Money Education to my children】Impressions and Comments after reading Akihiro Nishino's "Dream and Money"

I would like to write a note about my impressions after reading Akihiro Nishino's "Dream and Money", which was released on April 19, 2023. I have uploaded similar content to Ameblo, but I would like to mention the summary of contents deeper in this “note”.

Also, since the impressions of this book should be helpful not only for Japanese people but also for people all over the world, I have added an English translation of my impressions in the latter half of the book. (I don't know if there are people who actually read it in English...)

First of all, "money" is captured from a completely different angle than ever, which was surprising to me. As soon as 2020 began, the Covid-19 spread around rapidly, and the world was changed at a tremendous pace, and along with that, the common sense of the world was also changing at a tremendous speed. However, despite this, we adults have been still sticking to an old common sense and values, and we keep telling wrong information to our children. And I really sympathized with Mr. Nishino's idea that if we adults don't change our way of thinking, we could end up making the children, who have a bright future and will be responsible for the future, unhappy.

First of all, the content written in each chapter is based on Mr. Nishino's actual experience, so it is very specific and persuasive. However, each chapter is very deep, so I feel that I will need to read it a few more times before I fully understand it.

In addition, Mr. Nishino talks about "money" in this book, but he is not just talking about money. It is written from the perspective of how to deal with money, which is an important issue that cannot be avoided.

I myself am a parent of three children (two junior high school students and one elementary school student), so I believe I will read this book many times for next 10 years as a bible for thinking about “what I can teach my children as a parent through money”.

In this article, instead of explaining all of the content in this book, I will briefly touch on some of the specific content, and will talk about the impressions I felt in this book, explaining what each of us should think about in the future.

The chapter structure of the book is as follows.

Chapter 1: Ecosystem of the wealthy class persons

Chapter 2: Community

Chapter 3: NFTs

First of all, I was suddenly shocked at the beginning of Chapter 1, "Ecosystem of the wealthy class".

Mr. Nishino pointed out the fact that the lack of money to make a living is directly linked to the suicide rate and crime rate. Another words, the lack of money literacy directly leads to suicide and criminal rate. It is a good example of Shiretoko sightseeing boat sinking incident that occurred in April 2022.

Looking back on the past, it is a fact that if one had knowledge of money, there was no need to lose someone's life and there was no need to run into crime. As adults, we have responsibility to pass this information on to our children.

However, it's not as simple as saying, "I don't have enough knowledge about money, so I should study to make up for that lack of knowledge." As for what the lack of knowledge about money affects, it goes without saying that the future options for children simply become narrower, but it goes beyond this, and it leads

・to criticize someone only by an image (without trying to understand the fact)

・to criticize based on past experiences and values from parents

It means that you convey negative information to your friends unconciously, and although you don't mean anything wrong, as a result, you misunderstand the wrong information from the bottom of your heart and spread it to the world.

It reminds me of my past behavior.. When I hear someone doing something I don't know, I say, "There's no way that's a good story. There must be some kind of trap“ to my friends. Then I recommend my friends not to believe him without knowing the fact, and my friends do the same thing to his friends..

I've actually done that in the past as well. And I regretted myself even now.

At the beginning, Mr. Nishino's scolds us with his love and encourages us to end this wrong and biased sense of values in our parents' generation, and not pass it on to our children's generation.

And next to that sentence, we finally touch on the main subject of this chapter, the ecosystem of the wealthy class persons. Taking an example of traveling from Tokyo to New York by plane, the fare system for the following 4 classes is written as an example with specific amounts.

・first class

・business class

・Premium Economy Class

・Economy class

By the way, when I go abroad, I always fly economy class, so people who travel in first class or business class say, I always feel jealous, telling myself inside my heart "It's good for rich people." It was my honest feeling that I would pass by.


What if this was only "economy class"?

According to the simulation in this book, the airfare will actually be about 50,000 yen higher.

In other words, for airlines, in order to fly an airplane from Tokyo to New York, it costs not only fuel and labor costs, but also reasonable profits. must be collected. And those airfares are cheaper in economy class, thanks to people paying higher prices in first and business class.

Now that it came up to my mind about the fact that even the seats in the outfield at a professional baseball game or the cheapest seats at a sumo wrestling match can be seen live is a blessing because the rich pay a lot of money.

I finally realized that we are able to travel cheaply because there are people in first class and business class, I am filled with gratitude even now. 😊

By the way, just recently (today is May 19, 2023), in the Awa Odori festival in Tokushima, organizer set 15,000 yen for VIP spectator seats with a limit of 100 seats. But it was criticized as “no preferential treatment for the rich''. This kind of voice is very typical in Japan. The organizer of Awa Odori Festival created VIP seats in order to improve their financial situation, and thanks to the people who paid for the VIP seats, the people who were suffering until now should be saved. This argument reminded me once again that we adults need to create a world where we can imagine the people behind the money.

Also, there is one important thing in regards to this story.

It is necessary to think about "what wealthy class persons paying for" when they pay a high amount.

Mr. Nishino classifies customers into two categories: "customers" and "fans."

The former "customer" is "the person who buys the service because they want the product", and the latter "fan" is "the person who buys the product because they want to support the service provider".

If we dig a little deeper into the story, a customer is someone who buys because they want the functionality of the product, while a fan is someone who buys because they want to support the person or company.

When ordinary people pay money, they pay money for "function", but what the wealthy people pay for is "meaning". This includes support.

When wealthy people pay a lot of money, this is exactly the time to think about "supporting as a fan". Another words, when you keep trying to sell for “function”, it is difficult to sell in a a higher price.

What would happen if you replaced yourself as a service provider?

What you need think about trying to sell in a higher price, we tend to think the way that we would aim for "high functionality", but this is exactly the pitfall.

In other words, people who pay high prices don’t want "high functionality", but "something I want to support (or someone else)".

So even if you aim for high functionality, unless wealthy class people want to support it, they won't buy from you.

However, when we don't recognize this and think about what we should do to make our products more expensive, we end up aiming for "high functionality." And if you try to sell high functionality, there are Amazon and Google in today's world, so the price will be compared among all the products with high functionality in the world, and as a result it will be difficult to sell at a high price.

It reminds me of my story working an office worker.

When I was in sales, there was a customer who bought my company's products without requesting any discount. One day, the company president told me, "I've been getting sales offers from other companies, but I've turned them all down. Do you know why? It's because I'm your fan." Certainly, I think it's true that once customers become fans, the price becomes less of a concern for them.

In the future, there will be no return to the era of mass production and mass consumption, like the era of rapid economic growth, where products can be sold as long as they are made.

Also it is the era that it is no longer the time to do business only with Japanese customers, and it will be even more extreme in our children’s generation.

When I read this, I felt that there are important skills in the near future below.

・Knowledge of money


・Skill to send out your message

These three skills will be very important in this era, so I felt strongly that I need to tell my children about them.

But how can we create fans?

Mr. Nishino mentions in this book with an clear and persuasive formula.

Mr. Nishino says that there is a calculation formula for this, "supporting space = destination - current location".

What is "Supporting Space"?

This is the gap between “where are you headed” and “where are you at now”.

Taking crowdfunding as an example, if the target amount is $10,000 and the total amount of money collected so far is $6,000, the goal at the moment is to collect the remaining $4,000. Become. “Supporting” means seeing someone working hard toward a goal and supporting them to achieve that goal. So this needs to be visualized.

Seeing from the different angle, if though a talented person thinks that he is satisfied with the current situation, destination is a current location. Applying this to the formula, destination = current location, so "supporting space = 0"

In other words, people who does not want to challenge something will not be supported.

Therefore, in order to create fans, it is necessary to set a goal for yourself and take on challenges towards it.

As a parent with three children, I personally think that I have to reflect on this. This is because, in general, it is said that the number of children who do not set high goals from the beginning is increasing because of the sense of stagnation in Japan, which has seen little economic growth since the beginning of the Heisei Era. Looking back, I wondered if that was true.

In reality, this is not true. Rather, the sense of blockage that children feel is largely due to the fact that parents have not shown themselves to be challenging themselves. Of course, I do not deny that the background of the times has an impact, but as a fundamental problem, at least if I am asked “Do you challenge something with a goal in your daily life ?”,then I can not confidently say, "Yes." And I didn't even think it was a bad thing.

However, when I read this "Supporting space" part, I realized the importance of taking on challenges myself, and above all, when children grow up, it is impossible to gain fans without this kind of "challenge". As a result, I felt that I could not sell my products at a high price because I could not attract wealthy people to become fans.

I strongly felt that this is also the knowledge of money that I must tell my children who have a bright future.

And there is an explanation of "NFT" in the last chapter.

As of now (May 2023), NFT itself has not been common yet, so it is not easy to summarize concepts that have not spread to the world, but I will try to raise some important points.

This NFT stands for "Non Fungible Token", which is difficult to understand, but in terms of image it is like a certificate saying "You are the owner of this digital data". For example, in the case of real estate, the owners of land and buildings can be found out by looking at the "real estate registration". But this is because real things such as land and buildings actually exist, and this is to clarify the owner of the land and house. This NFT makes it possible to clarify ownership even in the “digital” world, which actually exists only virtually.

Considering the copyright of music, it is easier to understand. For example, let's say someone made a song called "A". The song itself is digital data created by a computer, so it can be copied, but the owner of the song A is the person who made it.

By applying this, it will be possible to prove the owner of digital data such as all kinds of characters created on computers in the world.

Next question is, “why is this NFT so important?”

For example, let's say there is a cute dinosaur character "A" made by somebody. If you buy an “A” NFT, you can become the owner. However, this A does not actually exist, and it can be copied as many times as you want.

So, what are the benefits of having this NFT? Perhaps the merit is that you can claim to this A character, "This is mine!"

But in fact, this so-called “feeling of ownership” that allows you to say “It’s mine!” is important.

What does this mean?

Returning to the story of the wealthy class earlier, I explained that while general customers buy "functions", and fans buy "meaning". To extend this explanation, rather than buying "functions", you buy "meaning". In other words, you buy "the feeling that this digital data is yours".

To summarize, in the coming era, it is necessary to provide meaning rather than functions in order to get high-end purchases from the wealthy, and this is because NFT is the “meaning” of digital data itself.

It is not yet clear how NFTs will grow and evolve in the future. However, as long as this NFT itself represents "meaning", there is no doubt that it will become absolutely essential for people to buy things at a high price.

Further more, there is a high possibility that the future of NFT will become a tool for helping people when they want to support someone. I think it is very important to understand and to take an action as soon as possible.

Mr. Nishino's book is easy to understand, but on the other hand, each story is deep, especially since I have never done NFT yet, so I still don't think I fully understand it. I imagine I would be able to understand much more about “What is the NFT like” after I would try this.

In that sense, I, as an adult, will try first, and then I will talk to children based on my experience.

I feel like this will be my bible for at least the next 10 years when I talk to my children about money.

Thanks for reading !!
