
[システム]巻物アイテムについて[Systems]About scroll item

Steamにて配信中の2D忍者アクションシューティングゲーム「Shinobi non grata」の仕様書(と言っていいか微妙ですが)となります。

This is the specifications (if you can call it that) for "Shinobi non grata", a 2D ninja action shooting game available on Steam.
This document is a first draft, and there are many differences from the final version. You may play the full version of the game to see what has been realized in its original form and what has been changed (casual advertising).
Also, this title was completed in a full remote environment in one year and two months (although it took a little longer if you include the preparation phase), so it may serve as a reference for developing games remotely.

About scroll items
Scroll items and their effects

A scroll item is one that takes effect the moment it is taken, and is a reinforcing item that lasts for a certain amount of time.
As a rule, they are found in treasure chests. Many of them are powerful, but time limit problems make it difficult to use them to attack bosses. It functions more as a device that provides a flashy play feel than an exploitability.

Note that if another scroll is taken while a scroll effect is already in place, it will be overwritten by the effect of the scroll taken later and the old effect will be lost (if a bomb is stuck in it, it will be forced to explode).

Senkou no Jutsu
Inflicts continuous damage to the enemy on the screen for 3 seconds. It does not annihilate all of them, but deals 2 damage every 30 frames.
Note that the range of the effect is "full screen" when the player moves, so the scroll's area of effect will be wider when the player moves.

Bunshin no Jutsu
Summons two alter egos to follow for 30 seconds.
Like the Gradius option, they follow the main body and stop there if the main body stops. The alter ego's combat ability is the same as the main body.
Except for ward bullets, the alter ego performs the same attacks as the main body.

Mugen no Jutsu
You will not lose souls for 10 seconds. This allows you to use your subweapon as much as you want.

Senkou no Jutsu

It is a ninjutsu that attacks the entire screen. It deals "2" damage to all enemies on the screen every 30 frames for 2 seconds from the moment it is taken. Since the damage is continuous rather than instantaneous, enemies with high durability may survive, but it also affects enemies who enter the screen after it has taken effect.

Although it seems to have similar performance to the warding bullet, this one may not be very effective in some situations because it attacks enemies in all screens with slip damage and, importantly, "enemy bullets do not disappear".

Bunshin no Jutsu

This is a ninjutsu in which the ninja follows an "alter ego" that traces the movement of the ninja for a period of 8 seconds. Two alter egos appear and follow the trajectory of the aircraft, but instead of finally settling in the same place as the aircraft (the twin-bee method), the alter ego stops moving on the spot when the aircraft stops (the Gradius/Last Ninja Way method). Therefore, by positioning the alter ego properly, it will be able to "reach out to the itch".
When the player attacks (with sword or subweapon), the alter ego also attacks, but only the ward bullets (three bullets are meaningless) cannot be fired simultaneously, and only one is fired by the player.

Mugen no Jutsu

For a period of 5 seconds, no matter how many subweapons you use, your "soul" will not decrease. Since the soul does not decrease, the amount of "soul" you have does not increase after the effect ends, but the amount of "soul" you originally had remains the same. If you kill an enemy while the scroll is in effect, no "soul" will appear even if you kill the enemy (this is because we judged that it is too strong to accumulate a large amount of "souls" after abusing a subweapon).
Souls decrease "when used," so even if the effect of a scroll disappears before a bomb or a warding bullet explodes, there is no change in the amount of souls remaining.


The coloring of the alter ego and the self-plane when the scroll item is used will be as shown in the diagram above.
Since the flash technique only causes the screen to flash, no particular changes to the self-plane are necessary.


For the alteration and infinite jutsu, there is an effect time, but it was difficult to tell when it would expire.
Since it is difficult to tell when the effect of a scroll ends even if there is a color change, I would like to add a sound effect one second before the end of the scroll effect (a countdown would cause problems when adjusting the time later on).
Scroll_End 1 second before the end of the scroll effect

Color Palette Animation Details

The color palette is explained in detail. The colors in Figures 1-4 above are shifted one by one, and the colors are changed in sequence. This will result in a beautiful flicker.
Please do this because if it is just a flicker, it is likely to be misidentified as damage.

End of effect of the 「Bunshin no Jutsu」 and effect.

When the alteration effect ends, the character currently disappears in a flash, but as with the appearance, a smoke effect should appear to hide the character, and the shadow of the smoke effect should make the altering character disappear.
