Steamにて配信中の2D忍者アクションシューティングゲーム「Shinobi non grata」の仕様書(と言っていいか微妙ですが)となります。
This is the specifications (if you can call it that) for "Shinobi non grata", a 2D ninja action shooting game available on Steam.
This document is a first draft, and there are many differences from the final version. You may play the full version of the game to see what has been realized in its original form and what has been changed (casual advertising).
Also, this title was completed in a full remote environment in one year and two months (although it took a little longer if you include the preparation phase), so it may serve as a reference for developing games remotely.

This is a tutorial mode that transitions from the title menu.
Text is embedded in the background, and the user proceeds to the left to reach the goal on the far right.
Along the way, operation instructions and explanations are "embedded" in the background. The user can follow the instructions, but there is no problem if the user does not actually follow the instructions and continues on to the goal (cup-head method).
(A "go right" icon may be necessary.

The stage would be structured as shown above, with tutorial items and their descriptions embedded in the background, and a message that the user can send by moving to the right.
We would like to create a display item that always prompts the user to move forward in some way.

As shown above, when your ship moves forward, the background (items and descriptions) moves forward as well.
The goal is set at the right end, and the game is cleared when the player steps on the event.
The text is displayed as an Excel file converted for each language in anticipation of localization, which will be explained in the section on text display.

You might set up a fixed Enemy to explain, for example, that you will get a soul when you defeat an enemy, but it will just "be there" and will not attack you. Therefore, it may be necessary to create a tutorial-specific Enemy.
This enemy will revive many times and will always give out its soul, so you can check its subweapon.

The message box on the far left will display a description of the "issue" to be displayed in that area. The message box on the left side of the screen will display a description of the "issue" being displayed in that area, and the message box on the right side of the screen will display a description of the issue.

Movement and crouching
Jumping and two-step jumping
Forward roll
Sword attacks
Soul acquisition
Sub Weapon Selection
Sub Weapon Use
Subweapon Description 1 (image only)
Subweapon description 2 (image only)
Player orientation (standing/crouching)
Player orientation (jumping)
Game Over
I'm thinking about about the following. I think this is still a bit long,
I would like to summarize the parts that can be summarized.

We are thinking of the message area as being embedded in the background (to scroll out) as well as the item's nameplate.
We have already created the message box, but we may need to consider whether to include this wording in the Prefab or in the Scene as well as the enemy set (since it is subject to localization).
However, from the designer's point of view, we think either would be fine.

During the tutorial, three tutorial-specific enemies will be added to explain the subweapons.
To introduce the chain scythe, we will add an enemy that shoots bullets.
For the introduction of the electrics, we want to place multiple of them in the air, so we added a "wall-attaching enemy that doesn't fire bullets".
In the introduction of "warding bullets", add "a wall-mounted enemy that shoots 5-way bullets".
For the "5-way walled enemy that shoots bullets," it would be great if it is possible to set the delay until it shoots bullets and the interval between the shooting of bullets.

The last mission of the tutorial, "Game Over," is a game in which, when the player's ship reaches the goal, a great number of "flying dragon swords" (the technique of the 1-4 boss) will fall from off-screen. These flying swords are intended to kill, and are not intended to be avoided by the player. Please drop an impossible number of flying swords.
You can avoid them by using movement and emergency evasion, but eventually a "permanent pattern prevention character" will appear, and the player will definitely die. There is no clearing. Note that the flying dragon sword will reduce the player's life to zero with one hit.
And if the player dies here, the game will move to the death demo, but it will not be game over, but will wipe to hide the screen and move to the demo for the end of the tutorial. In other words, this is the recollection of the incident in which the arm lost its memory.

When the protagonist dies, the end-of-tutorial demo begins.
The specifications of the conversation demo will be explained later in a separate section.