
A Short Novel | The Second Party Is Demi-Glace Sauce.

 I successfully passed the entrance examination. Now I live in a town near the university. 
 I have never lived alone since I was born. One day after my last lecture ended, I felt like eating an omelet with demi-glace sauce. But I have never cooked any omelets. So I decided to go to a restaurant near my house. 

 "Hello!! What do you want to eat today?" 

"I wanna eat an omelet with demi-glace sauce. " 

" Oh, I am terribly sorry. The first party successfully bought many eggs.
 But according to the second party, to our regret, the factory from which we always buy demi-glace sauce seems to have gone bankrupt the other day. "

" What is the first party? What is the second party? " 

" Oh, both of them belong to this restaurant. The first party has a special knowledge of omelets and the second party has a special knowledge of demi-glace sauces. " 

 I was able to understand the literal meaning of what he said, but I was not able to fully catch what he meant. 

#demi -glace sauce 
