
Youtubeの英語を聞き取り、文字お越しして、聞き取りの精度を上げていきます。 間違…


Youtubeの英語を聞き取り、文字お越しして、聞き取りの精度を上げていきます。 間違ったところを太字に、わからない単語は英英辞書で調べて覚えていきます。


IAS2 Inventories #6

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchange

    • IAS2 Inventories #5

      This Standard applies to all inventories, except: (a) work in progress arising under construction contracts, including directly related service contracts いわゆる工事進行基準は対象外。ここでariseって使うんだ。 arise : to start to happen or exist financial instrume

      • IAS2 Inventories #4

        objective : something that you plan to do or achieve prescribe : to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something A primary issue in accounting for inventories is the amount of cost to be recognised as an asset an

        • IAS2 Inventories #3

          commodity broker-traders : a person or company that trades oil, metals, grain, coffee, etc. for other people or organizations grain : a seed or seeds from a plant, especially a plant like a grass such as rice or wheat The inventories are m


        IAS2 Inventories #6

          IAS2 Inventories #2

          前回の在庫に関連して、ちゃんとした基準からみていこう。 Inventory については、IFRSではないため、IAS2が原稿の基準となる。 昨日は思いついた文言をDeeplで回してみたけど、やはりあるべき用語は基準から持ってこないと経理同士で伝わらないからね。 supersede : to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned, to replace something ol


          IAS2 Inventories #2

          IAS2 Inventories #1

          ということで子会社の監査人とミーティングする内容で多そうな項目から潰していく。 Inventoryについて、何でも話せるようにするわけでなく、必要そうな項目だけ英語でコミュニケーションできるようにする。 まずは外観を掴むためにYoutubeを見る。これは20分を超えるようなものもあるが、一番短いものの内容を理解することにする。 overhead : the regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, th


          IAS2 Inventories #1


          英語を勉強したいと思いつつ、Youtubeのディクテーションなどを進めてみたが、やはり憧れる「本当の英語力を身につける」ということにこだわり過ぎて、いつまで経っても仕事で使える英語が身についていないのではないか、そのような思いから方向性を変えてみようと思う。 いわゆるYAGNIの精神である。You ain't gonna need itとは、機能は実際に必要となるまでは追加しないのがよいとするプログラミングの原則ということである。 「本当の英語力」という仕事でいらない英語



          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(4/n)

          So here we are, 7 years, 500 interviews later, and I'm going to tell you what really leads to success and makes tedsters tick. 1:01-1:10 tick : If you know what makes someone tick, you understand why that person behaves the way he or she d


          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(4/n)

          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(3/n)

          And I felt really badly, because I couldn't give her a good answer. so I get off the plane, and come to TED. And I think, jeez, I'm in the middle of a room of successful people. so why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it


          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(3/n)

          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(2/n)

          and in the seat next to me was a high school student, teenager, and she came from a really poor family. and she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. she said, "What leads to success?" 0:32-0:46 【


          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(2/n)

          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(1/n)

          This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. And it all started one day, on a plane, on my way to ted, seven years ago. 0:00-0:32 【過去分】 #001  06:13 2022/12/16-2023/1/3【19日間】9/9 成功はやり抜く #


          #005 リチャード・セント・ジョン「成功者だけが知る、8つの秘密!」(1/n)

          CNN News

 The unflinching resilience of the US labor market is one of the greatest sources of tension in today’s economy. Federal Reserve officials have said employment


          #004 Chess Pro Explains How to Spot Cheaters (ft. GothamChess) | WIRED(1/n)

          ridiculous : stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at deserving : If people or things are deserving, they should be helped because they have good qualities sacrifice : to give up something that is valuable to you in order to he


          #004 Chess Pro Explains How to Spot Cheaters (ft. GothamChess) | WIRED(1/n)

          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(12/12)

          they instantly make you feel like the character, and it's easier to do your job, I think honesty, or you're more confident when you're going out and doing it. and obviously, Coleen Atwood being the legend that she is, she does incredible w


          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(12/12)

          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(11/n)

          I think costumes are a really really important part of filmmaking and acting , even, I feel, when costumes are done right. 3:46~3:53 crotch : the part of your body where your legs join at the top, or the part of trousers or underwear that


          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(11/n)

          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(10/n)

          Something that was actually great about it was that there seemed to be a hole in the crotch area. we needed that because initially we couldn't pee, and we actually had a thing. we all had to go to wardrobe collectively, me , Emma and the st


          #003 Jenna Ortega Reveals Wednesday’s Best Outfits(10/n)