
Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra IV: 10 Names of Magga in Sahāloka According to Ch. 8 of Fóhuāyán Jīng

See the first article for context. This article will explain the 10 names of magga in English and Chinese according to the eighth chapter of the Fóhuāyán Jīng (AKA Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra), with commentary from Hsuan Hua.

The names are:

1. One Vehicle, or 一乘 yī shèng. Hsuan Hua says:

As the Dharma Flower (Lotus) Sutra says:

There is only one Buddha Vehicle;
There are no other vehicles.

There is only one Buddha Way, and there are no other ways that could be cultivated.

2. Inclining towards stillness, or 趣寂 qù jì. Hsuan Hua says:

One tends toward the state of still tranquility.

3. Instructing and guiding, or 導引 dǎoyǐn. Hsuan Hua says:

This truth leads living beings to the Buddha’s country.

4. Ultimately without difference, or 究竟無分別 jiūjìng wú fēn bié. Hsuan Hua says:

When you arrive at the ultimate place, what discrimination could there be?

5. Level equality, or 平等 píngděng. Hsuan Hua says:

...– there is no high or low. Everything is level and impartial.

6. Renouncing one's burden, or 捨擔 shě dān. Hsuan Hua says:

You give up your heavy load, all the things that tie you down.

7. Without tendencies, or 無所趣 wú suǒ qù. Hsuan Hua says:

You walk on a bright, broad, path that doesn’t veer off on tangents.

8. According with the sagely intent, or 隨聖意 suí shèng yì. Hsuan Hua says:

You follow along the path that all sages walk.

9. Conduct of immortals, or 仙人行 xiānrén xíng. Hsuan Hua says:

You practice the path that the Great Immortal – the Buddha – trod, which is the Bodhi path.

10. Ten treasures, or 十藏 shí cáng. Hsuan Hua says:

The Ten Treasuries are the Treasuries of:

- faith
- precepts
- shame
- remorse
- learning
- giving
- wisdom
- mindfulness
- upholding
- eloquence

Thank you for reading.

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