Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra III: 10 Names of Nirodha in Sahāloka According to Ch. 8 of Fóhuāyán Jīng

See the first article for context. This article will explain the 10 names of nirodha in English and Chinese according to the eighth chapter of the Fóhuāyán Jīng (AKA Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra), with commentary from Hsuan Hua.

Here are the names:

1. Non-contention, or 無諍 wú zhèng. Hsuan Hua says:

...that is, it is without fighting or strife.

2. Leaving filth, or 離塵 lí chén. Hsuan Hua says:

One separates far from the wearisome dust.

3. Still quiescence, or 寂靜 jìjìng. Hsuan Hua says:

To be apart from vexation is “stillness,” to cut off all agony and disasters is “quiescence.”

4. Markless, or 無相 wúxiāng. Hsuan Hua says:

...that is, the state where one sweeps away all dharmas and separates from all marks.

5. Without demise, or 無沒 wúméi. Hsuan Hua says:

One never falls, or suffers ruin.

6. Without a self-nature, or 無自性 wúzìxìng. Hsuan Hua says:

All dharmas are without a self-nature.

7. Freedom from imprediments, or 無障礙 wúzhàngài. Hsuan Hua says:

This means there is no obstacle of afflictions and no obstacle of what is known.

8. Extinction, or 滅 miè. Hsuan Hua says:

...– extinction of all afflictions.

9. True and actual substance, or 體真實 tǐ zhēnshí. Hsuan Hua says:

One reaches the original substance of true reality.

10. Abiding in the self-nature, or 住自性 zhù zìxìng. Hsuan Hua says:

Since this is the extinction of suffering, one dwells in the self-nature.

Thanks for reading.

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