
こんにちは。この記事は コネヒトアドベントカレンダーの9日目です。@otukutun です。よろしくお願いします。

さて、技術な話題ではなく今回は細々と続けている英語の勉強について書こうと思います。最近英検一級合格を目指して勉強しているのですが、ChatGPTのお陰で英作文の勉強捗ってるよ!と言うお話を書いていければと思います。(注: 英検一級は4技能(聞く、読む、書く、話す)の各分野を測る試験ですが、200~300語程度のエッセイを書く必要があります)





Agree or disagree: Extreme social inequality will never be eliminated




I agree that Extreme social inequality will never be eliminated. Surely, social inequality has been decreasing for recent years compared to 19 centuries. However, it’s difficult to make extreme social inequality nothing.

First, the wealthy gap will never disappear if capitalism continues. Employers can earn much more money than employees. Employer’s children might have a lot of opportunities to study. Studying aboard and doing lessons will cost parents a lot. So If parents don’t earn money enough, having their children experience such things is difficult.

Second, It said that Physical ability is inherited from parents. If parents don’t have good physical ability, it is likely that children also don’t have good physical ability. Overcoming these disadvantages is difficult if children want to be professional sports players.

Third, some countries couldn’t have been developing for many years such as Argentina and Mexico. In these countries, Country could’t give subsidy enough to give children opportunities. But Rich countries such as USA or UK have offered enough supports for children to learn regardless of their parents income.

In summary, There have been hard inequality while social inequality have been decreasing for many years. These types of issues are hard to solve completely. So The extreme social inequality continues sadly.


Your essay presents a clear argument about the persistence of extreme social inequality. I'll provide corrections and suggestions to improve the grammar and expression.

Revised Essay:

"I agree that extreme social inequality will never be completely eliminated. Although social inequality has decreased compared to the 19th century, eradicating it entirely remains a challenge.

Firstly, as long as capitalism prevails, the wealth gap is unlikely to disappear. Employers generally earn significantly more than their employees, and this disparity allows for greater opportunities for the employers' children, such as studying abroad or engaging in expensive activities. These opportunities are often unaffordable for children whose parents earn less.

Secondly, physical abilities, often inherited from parents, play a role in social inequality. If parents lack certain physical capabilities, their children are likely to inherit these limitations. This can be a significant obstacle for children aspiring to become professional athletes.

Thirdly, the development of some countries, like Argentina and Mexico, has been stagnant for years. These nations often cannot provide sufficient subsidies to offer children equal opportunities, unlike wealthier countries such as the USA or UK, where support systems are more robust, regardless of parental income.

In summary, although social inequality has lessened over the years, hard-to-solve issues persist, making the complete eradication of extreme social inequality an ongoing challenge."

Corrections and Suggestions:

1. Use "19th century" instead of "19 centuries" for historical accuracy.
2. "It's difficult to make extreme social inequality nothing" is unclear. The revision clarifies this idea.
3. "Wealthy gap" should be "wealth gap." Also, use "Firstly," "Secondly," etc., for a more formal structure.
4. Clarify and simplify the explanation regarding children's opportunities and parental income.
5. Replace "It said that Physical ability is inherited from parents" with a more grammatically correct structure.
6. Discuss the role of inherited physical abilities in social inequality more clearly.
7. Clarify the comparison between countries with different economic statuses and their ability to provide for children.
8. The conclusion summarizes the argument effectively, with minor adjustments for clarity.

These revisions enhance the clarity, flow, and grammatical accuracy of your essay, making it more suitable for a high-level English proficiency examination like the Eiken Grade 1. Keep practicing to refine your skills further!


"First""Firstly" のどちらもフォーマルな文脈で使用されますが、その使い分けにはいくつかの考慮すべき点があります。

1. **スタイルと一貫性**:
   - "Firstly" はよりフォーマルな文体と見なされることが多いです。この形式は、リストや論点を提示する際に、後続する点が "Secondly," "Thirdly," などと続くことを示唆します。
   - "First" は少し簡潔で、よりカジュアルな印象を与えることがあります。ただし、これも十分フォーマルな文脈で使用されます。

2. **一貫性**:
   - どちらの形式を選択するにしても、文書全体で一貫性を保つことが重要です。例えば、"Firstly" を使用する場合は、続く点で "Secondly," "Thirdly" と続けるべきです。一方で "First" を使用する場合、続く点は "Second," "Third" となります。

3. **文体の好み**:
   - 選択はしばしば個人の文体や好みに依存します。一部のライターや編集者は "Firstly" の使用を推奨し、他の人々は "First" を好む場合があります。

結論として、どちらの単語もフォーマルな文脈で適切に使用できますが、"Firstly" は少し古風または学術的なニュアンスを持ち、"First" は少し現代的で簡潔なスタイルを反映しています。重要なのは、選択したスタイルに一貫性を持たせることです。



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