
ケト食応用ができる、マスタードチキン&バジルマスタードソース/Mustard Chicken with Basil Mustard Sauce+Keto Version Recipe



鳥のもも肉 1.5ポンドくらい(700~800g)

Italian Style Bread Crumbs または普通のパン粉



卵 1個

ディジョンマスタード 大さじ1


お水 大さじ3


ディジョンマスタード 小さじ1

粒マスタード 小さじ1(なければ、ディジョンマスタード小さじ1)


バジルの葉 適量を細く刻む ドライでもOK!








ケト食バージョン マスタードチキン



Mustard Chicken with Basil Mustard Sauce+Keto Version Recipe

Ingredients : About 4 to 6 people

Chicken thigh meat about 1.5 pounds (700-800 g)

Italian Style Bread Crumbs or bread crumbs (Any brand such as Progresso is OK)

*Marinated with

1 egg

Dijon mustard 1 tbsp

*Basil mustard sauce

4 tablespoons of water

Chicken bouillon, 1/2 teaspoon (adjust the amount to your liking)

Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon grain mustard (or 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard if not)

2 tablespoons of butter

4Basil leaves chopped into small pieces or dry basil 1tsp.

1. Rinse the chicken thighs with water, drain them and wipe them with a paper towel. Remove excess fat and make a few holes in the front part with a fork to make it easier for the taste to soak in.

2. Mix a egg and mustard well, add all thigh meat and soak in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

3. Set the oven to 375F. Cover the marinated thighs with Italian-style bread crumbs.Then place it on a baking pan lined with parchment paper.

4. When the oven is ready, bake the chickens in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

5. Put all the ingredients of the sauce other than basil in a small pan and warm it out for a minute. Then add fresh basil (or dry) and let it boil for seconsds.

6. Put the finished chicken on a plate and serve with the sauce on top.

Super easy recipe!

Keto version of Musard Chicken

Just change the bread crumbs to almond flower + parmesan cheese.  (about half and half) The way to make it is the same! Mustard contains almost no carb. I often used it for ketogenic diet.

This recipe is very convenient when you have a family who is not doing keto diet.
