1) Alexandra Laigle氏の出産に関するデマ
“Let me set the fucking record straight. MY BABY DID NOT DIE FROM THE SHOT. JFC. This is unbelievably hurtful, factually incorrect, and just so cruel. 😭😭😭
Sweet little Nico had cervical teratoma which started growing from the very beginning. The tumor was 5cm!!! by the time I got the shot, which id do a million times over btw.
I wish my baby was here so badly. Each day is a struggle. The shot had absolutely zero to do with his exceptionally rare tumor. Thank you however for whoever wrote this article for crushing my heart today. My sweet baby shouldn’t be used for fear mongering. 😭”
2) Mary Pat Voll氏の死産に関するデマ
“One of My wife’s “friends” took screenshots of our announcement of Ellie’s stillbirth and then she posted them alongside an earlier post about being vaccinated.
It was the perfect recipe for a viral post that would promote her views on vaccinations.
But it was a lie. -a post hoc fallacy.
They don’t know that Ellie’s stillbirth was a result of a marginal cord insertion complicated by placenta previa resulting in fetal vascular malperfusion. But they don’t care either.
So now, on top of grieving the loss of our daughter, we get to read atrocious posts, comments, and messages from strangers all over the world.
I support your right to an opinion, but damn you for using my little girl as a prop to promote your agenda.”
3) Sara Beltrán Ponce氏の流産に関するデマ
「写真の女性はツイートを発信したSara Beltran Ponceさんではない。写真の女性はAmy Guy-Ulrichで、イリノイ州の正看護師です。彼女は元気で、まだ妊娠中です。彼女がFacebookに投稿した写真がフェイクニュースに悪用され拡散されてしまったのです。」