
Units tell you how to play! Akiiku’s True Flex TFT Guide

Original post: https://note.com/akiikus/n/nfa57a23e6c47


Hello everyone, this is AkiikuS from Japan! I'm TFT enjoyer(。ゝ∀・)b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akiikus2
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/akiikus
LOLCHESS: https://lolchess.gg/profile/jp/アキイクS-JP1/

Perhaps, maybe, just maybe, I’m playing the craziest TFT in the Japanese server. I often hear things like “unhinged” or “noob Challenger/Grandmaster”, and I think that’s absolutely right. Even so, I’ve become a Challenger multiple times, and in Set 9.5, I was able to rank 3 in the Japanese server. You may not be familiar with my playstyle, but this time, I’d like to introduce my slightly (?) unique way of playing TFT (。ゝ∀・)b

Are you listening to the voices of Units? In TFT, it’s not you who decide your board, it’s units! Yes, it’s units you hit! Units are always telling us: “We can do it!” But most players ignore that voice! People love to play their favorite meta comps. That’s not good at all! It’s really not good!!

You should pay more attention to units you’ve already hit!

How to Play

Example 1: A match where you’ve already hit a carry or tank
For instance, if you were originally planning to go with Kai’Sa, and then Ashe appears in the shop. It’s easier and more cost-effective to hit two more Ashes than to aim for a Kai’Sa 2* that you haven’t hit yet. Even in such a situation, there are quite a few people who aim for a different comps for various reasons, such as “I’ve never play Ashe comp”, “I’m bad at Ashe comp”, “Kai’Sa is stronger in the meta, so I’ll commit to Kai’Sa”, “I don’t want to play Ashe because I don’t have a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, so I’ll play Kai’Sa”, “I don’t need to buy Ashe”, and so on. But if you use Ashe, you don't need to roll 100 times! It’s cheaper! You looks good TFT player! You won’t have to cry because you couldn’t hit Kai’Sa!

For example, there was a match like this

Stage 3-7

At stage 3-7, HP91, LV6
My HP is high so maybe I can fast9, but the thing is I don't have enough money, so I need to stabilize my board at Lv8. In terms of items, I have a Guinsoo’s Rageblade and a BF Sword, so I want to play an AD carry like Ashe or Kai’Sa. Because I have a Guinsoo, I want to prioritize Ashe.

Porcelain Ashe

From here, aiming for this meta board in the image would cost 77G. It's too expensive! On top of that, I don't have any Ashe comp units, so it’s really tough. You don't want to play this Ashe board from the stage 3 board, right? At least, I don’t want to do that ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

Stage 4-6

Just before I rolled down to stabilize my board… Huh? There’s no Ashe? Ohh, but there’s Kai’Sa! Should I play Kai’Sa? I already hit Illaoi 2* and Diana 2* at stage 3. I hit ton of Illaoi and Diana before I all-in! Interesting game!

Bruiser Kai’Sa

I have a Kai'Sa so maybe I should play Kai'Sa comp. But I have Annie 2*, 7Diana and 6Illaoi. Me myself don't know what’s going on.

Stage 5-2

As a result of rolling, I hit Diana 3*! Diana 3* and Annie 2* are tanky enough. But what about my carries? Kai’Sa and Xayah is still 1*, so I have to keep rolling to upgrade carries.

Lv8 board completed!

As a results, I hit Ashe 2* before I upgrade Kai'Sa at stage 5. My carry is Ashe!
Yo Kai’Sa? I’m disappointed, I had high expectations for you. If you were 2* earlier, it was much more easy game ヽ(°▽、°)ノ

Lv9 board

In the end, I took 1st place with this board!
Maybe people sell Diana and Annie and play porcelain Ashe comp or Bruiser Kai'Sa comp. But I recommend you not to sell upgraded units. I hit Diana 3* and Annie 2* first. They became my great front-line units and I just played units that share synergies with them. Since I couldn't hit 2* carry easily, I have to upgrade AD carry unit because of my AD items. I rolled down to find Sniper or Trick Shot units. As a result, I upgraded Ashe, so I play Ashe and Sniper unit. My board was very strange, but it was super strong.

Example 2: If you haven’t hit a carry or tank
When you roll, hold unit. Especially, holding pairs is a typical way for flex players.

  • No carry → Buy carry

  • No tank  → Buy tank

  • Hold pairs  → After upgrade play it

  • After you hit tank, play its synergy

  • After you hit carry, play its synergy

Prioritize upgraded unit! Never commit to a meta board!
Meta board with no upgraded units is soooo bad. Fully upgraded units board is far better.

In Example 1, at stage 5, I have strong tanks, but I don't have good carry, so I keep both Ashe and Kai’Sa to save money to upgrade my carry.

This is how to play "True" flex.

Increase in options

One of the benefits of true flex is cost-efficiency. You can stabilize your board using less money than meta comp enjoyers. Sometimes it end up with a meta comp board, but in most cases, it will be a slightly different board or a completely unique board. In this way, you to have more money than other players, that's why you have more options. Especially in the late game! It’s very very attractive to have various options. You can aim for fast 9 and buy every 5 costs you hit, or you can stay at Lv 8 and upgrade 2-3 cost 3* like this!

Lv8 rolling for zoe diana riven zyra 3* game
fast 8 ahri kind thresh 3*

The most greatest thing is increasing in the possibility of making a 3* 5 costs! After all, no one can defeat 3* 5 cost, right? The ultimate goal of this game is to make a 3* 5 cost! Don't spam a boring meta board.

my set 8.5 THE BEST GAME EVER!!


In the most cases you can top by stacking 3 items for upgrades units even though your items is mediocre or even bad. I will show you some examples below.

bad item bad board but top4!
full tank hero shen top1!
chill tris
where is my carry? top3??
why top3?
not a good board but top2

Strange… but still its top 4, right?

The reason why I can top 4 is because If I can play a strong board for a long time, I can save my HP! Saving HP is very helpful to improve final results. You can easily avoid fast eif. Let's play the strongest board using units you already hit from the early game to the late game. This is the Akiiku-style TFT! The power of upgraded units ヽ(°▽、°)ノ


Listen to the voice of units: Don't commit to the expensive meta board. Play units you already hit. They want to fight with you!
Maintain strong board: Using upgraded units you already hit leads to maintaining strong board and it is helpful to save your HP. 
Let’s train adaptability!: If you only pursue certain comps like meta comps, you really need LUCK. TFT is skill is not LUCK. It’s important to adapt according to your situations in the game. If you can always play the best board using what you hit, you’re a good at TFT player!!
Cost efficiency: If you can listen to the voice of units, you can easily stabilized your board.
Increase in choices: Good cost-efficiency brings you much more choices in the late game than you expected. Maybe you can make a 3* 5cost!

Please give it a try! (。ゝ∀・)b
