
刻々と変わる、被災現場からの報道状況/The ever-changing news coverage from the scene of the Earthquake

To those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of January 1, 2024, the Orange Medical & Social Corporation team has been in the area since January 3, 2024. It is trying to support people's daily lives, including those in home healthcare, focusing on "medical care for daily life" in disaster-stricken areas.
This blog account will archive the support activities of the Orange Medical & Social Corporation, with bases in Fukui, Nagano, and Ishikawa following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.


After arriving at the site, especially in the first few days, we gathered information, returned to the head office to replenish necessary supplies, called in staff skilled in disaster relief, and called for a nationwide support system.

Team members in Wajima City 7 January

・共同通信 電話インタビュー
Phone interview by KYODO NEWS 

・NHK ハートネットTV 電話インタビュー
・朝日新聞デジタル「120人透析できず、妊婦8人受け入れ 能登の医師「支援継続を」記事内、「在宅医療、災害直後から必要」
「Home health care is needed immediately after a disaster.」Phone interview by Asahi news paper online

 在宅医療専門の医療法人オレンジ(福井県)の紅谷浩之代表らの医療チームは3日夜、福井市内から車で8時間かけ、輪島市内に入った。輪島市内の診療所立ち上げに関わった縁があり、医療者の仲間が多くいる。 輪島市内の避難所には、50人ほどが1人あたり1畳以下のスペースにいた。紅谷さんらが医療チームとわかると、5人から「診てほしい」と頼まれた。 うち1人の高齢女性は、避難する時にかかってしまった灯油がしみこんだままの服を着続けていたことで、太ももに広範囲の炎症が起きる大けがをしていた。応急処置をした紅谷さんは「病院に行けば迷惑になる、と我慢されていたようだ。医療が届いていないと感じました」と語る。 ほかの人は、いつも飲んでいる薬が手元にないとか血圧を測ってほしいという訴えだった。 輪島市の人口に占める65歳以上の割合(高齢化率)は約48%。紅谷さんは「ここまで高齢化が進んだ地域で今回のような災害が起きれば、弱った状態の人が避難所に入ることになる。今後の日本の災害現場でもそうなるだろう。生活の場に医療を届ける在宅医療が、災害直後から避難所で必要になると感じた」と話す。(編集委員・辻外記子)

・福井新聞「県内医療関係者現地入り 食料、燃料、人も不足」
「Medical personnel from the prefecture arrived in the area, short of food, fuel, and people.」Phone interview by Fukui News paper


While surveying the needs, we supported a home medical care center and conducted research on support for children with medical care, and at the same time, established a "welfare shelter" to meet the growing need for care.

・「輪島市に高齢者や障害者のための福祉避難所開設受け入れ開始」 NHK石川
「Welfare shelter for the older adults and disabled opened in Wajima City and began accepting applications.」by NHK Ishikawa

・TBS ニュース23
Phone interview by TBS 

HoMAT (Home medical assistance team)へ全国で初めて支援を要請。

また、本被災地支援より、HoMAT (Home medical assistance team)へ全国で初めて支援を要請。HoMATとは、総合在宅医療クリニックの市橋先生の呼びかけで始まった、全国の大規模在宅クリニックを中心に運用するHoMAT (Home medical assistance team)。被災地での在宅医療・長期復興に向けた生活再建を念頭に置いたソーシャルワーカー・医師・看護師等を含む多職種による外部人材派遣/受け入れチームです。
Also, this is the first nationwide request for assistance was made to HoMAT (Home medical assistance team) from this disaster area support. HoMAT is a home medical assistance team (HoMAT) started by Dr. Ichihashi of the General Home Healthcare Clinic in Gifu and operates mainly through large-scale home healthcare clinics nationwide. It is a multidisciplinary external personnel dispatch/acceptance team, including social workers, doctors, nurses, etc., with an eye toward home medical care and long-term reconstruction of people's lives in the affected areas.

本支援におけるHoMAT (Home medical assistance team)system

・読売テレビ・テレビ金沢 ニュース
Phone interview by Yomiuri/TV Kanazawa

・フジテレビ めざましテレビ
Phone interview by Fuji TV

・「県外医師が県内で“後方支援” 被災地支援の新たな動き 地域医療を支える 民間レベルで連携」 TV FBC NEWS/福井放送
「New Movement of Support for Disaster-Stricken Areas: Private-Private Partnerships to Support Local Medical Services」by Fukui TV


Through this move, we have decided to begin accepting people who need care at this time to a special nursing home for older adults "Sakura-so" in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture, a medical corporation group, as a secondary evacuation center for those who need care. Fukui Broadcasting Corporation (Fukui Broadcasting Corporation) immediately picked up the story.

・「「つながりの復興」で福井への二次避難を 被災地で支援活動中の医師語る」 TV FBC NEWS/福井放送
「Secondary Evacuation to Fukui through "Recovery of Connections," says a doctor working in support activities in the affected area.」by Fukui TV

・「介護が必要な被災者が福井に。民間主体で“2次避難”サポート 勝山市の特養で受け入れ」TV FBC NEWS/福井放送
「Survivors in need of nursing care in Fukui. The private sector supports "secondary evacuation" at a particular care facility in Katsuyama City.」by Fukui TV



On January 29, our President, Dr. Beniya, and Katsuyama Mayor, Mr. Mizukami, held a press conference and agreed to open a "welfare evacuation center" in Katsuyama City. Specific acceptance has begun one after another.

R6.1.30 TV FBC NEWS/福井放送
勝山市に「福祉避難所」開設 介護支援必要な高齢者受け入れ 県内自治体では初

医療法人オレンジグループ 池口亮医師
Dr. Ryo Ikeguchi of the Orange Group Medical Corporation: "I feel most relieved because most of the people I was involved with at the evacuation center (Wajima City). We consider it a relay point for the people of Noto to move on again. I hope it will be a place that will cheer them up."


We will update the ever-changing news coverage of the earthquake scene. Let's make it happen in Noto. Please stay with us.

文責:藤岡聡子(医療法人オレンジ/診療所と大きな台所があるところ ほっちのロッヂ)
▶︎【寄付】支援活動への寄付・活動協力は こちら から / Donation for this rescue team 
▶︎【報道・発信】支援活動に関する取材は info(at)orangeclinic.jp へ / contact us via this account (Satoko Fujioka)

